Top Tips ...

If you go for a walk in Salford a;ways put a couple of quid in your shoes.
This way if/when you are mugged you can always have the knowledge you will have enough money to get the bus home( or part way home).
If they nick your shoes can sit there safe inda knowledge that at least you tried.
Girls. Too old to go on an 18 to 30 holiday? Simply get pissed, lie in a pit in your garden and shag every bloke who looks at you over the fence.

Don't buy expensive 'ribbed' condoms, just buy an ordinary one and slip a handful of frozen peas inside it before you put it on.

Avoid jet lag by simply taking an earlier flight, thus arriving fully refreshed and on time.

Manchester United fans. Save money on expensive new kits by simply strapping a large fake penis to your forehead. It is now clear to all, as to your allegiance.

Vegetarians coming to dinner? Simply serve them a nice bit of steak or veal. Since they`re always going on about how tofu, Quorn, meat substitute etc `tastes exactly like the real thing`, they won`t know any difference.

Invited by vegetarians for dinner? Point out that since you`d no doubt be made aware of their special dietary requirements, tell them about yours, and ask for a nice steak.

Don't invite drug addicts round for a meal on boxing day. They may find the offer of cold turkey embarrassing or offensive.

Weight watchers. Avoid that devilish temptation to nibble at the chocolate bar in the cupboard or fridge by not buying the fucking thing in the first place, you fat bastards.

Dyslexics. Try deliberately spelling words wrongly. This way at least you have a chance of spelling them correctly.

Keep the seat next to you on the train vacant by smiling and nodding at people as they walk up the aisle.

Save on booze by drinking cold tea instead of whisky. The following morning you can create the effects of a hangover by drinking a thimble full of washing up liquid and banging your head repeatedly on the wall.

Make your girlfriend cry when you're having sex by phoning her up and telling her.

Courtesy of Viz
Good work, Blue Dan, a few on there l'd not seen, made me splutter into my cornflakes...;¬)

Window Cleaners, when quoting a price with Dr Who to clean the windows of the Tardis, don't be conned into agreeing to do the insides for the same price.

Drivers. drop handfuls of gravel into your fuel tank so you can fill your car up for less at the petrol station.
Save money on a personal address book, take the Phone book and simply cross out the names of people you don't know.
Viz circa 1985

Don't tie your shoelaces in a revolving door.

Don't nudge your grannie when she's shaving.
Nudists. In cold weather, when you are forced to wear clothes, simply pin a photograph of your cock and balls onto the front of your trousers.

Party Hostesses. Cactus plants make excellent buffet sausage dispensers if you have run out of grapefruits and cocktail sticks.
A real one from one of those shitty mags women read.

"Don't waste money on expensive pyjamas for your kids. Cut 3 holes in the top of a pillow case and give them coloured felt tips to design their own nightwear."

Footnote: Don't try this with Gorton children. My 9 year old girl went to bed wearing a nighty emblazoned with "My Dad's a tight b*stard" , written in technicolor.
der-bomber said:
Here's a starter...

If you find yourself choking, after swallowing an lce-cube, immediately drink a cup of boiling water.
This should clear the blockage.
lmao and then go in to Anaphylaxis shock
To make sure your fridge light has gone out when you close it, drill a hole in the door.

Reminds me of a letter in the same issue of Viz:

I inadvertantly put some weedkiller in a lemonade bottle in my shed and forgot to label it accordingly. My parents came to visit me one day but I was out. As they were feeling thirsty, they drunk the contents of the bottle. Both were rushed to hospital but later saw the fungicide.

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