Tory HQ getting smashed up

Davies, PLEASE repeat on here what you've just said to me via PM. I think you talk bollocks but I at least thought you were a man of conviction. Certainly, you've never before been shy of saying what you think, so why now? You could even start a new thread & we could all have an interesting debate about your views.
I'm at uni for the experience. Why the fuck would I want to be getting up at 6am grafting 5 days a week when I can go to uni, fuck about for 4 years and then come out and earn twice as much as my mates who started work at 16-18? Sorry to be blunt about it but if you get the right degree thats the way it goes! If I didn't have a brain I'd have grafted from an early age. Even coming from a lower class family I can still afford it and I really feel sorry for the the lower class clever fuckers(like myself arf!) who won't be able to go to uni any more because that pompous large headed twat Cameron favours the rich! And don't reply to me as I'm off to drink 1 pound pints and take mkat all night.
Challenger1978 said:
How come Davies post was deleted you should leave it up to show him up for the complete **** he is.

Not worth it mate :-)
Cheesy said:
Challenger1978 said:
How come Davies post was deleted you should leave it up to show him up for the complete **** he is.

Not worth it mate :-)

He really is a **** though i can't believe (hmm well i can) that he really thinks like that. I've actually known a lot of old soldiers in my time and you can tell that that little **** hasn't. I'm being dead seriouse now if my grandad jim was still alive (WW2 vet) and heard that shit coming from that little ****. He would of thrown him over his knee and battered his arse till it was red raw. Then he would of gone round to his parents and give his dad a fucking hammering for bringing up such an horrible little **** (proper old school my grandad).
Challenger1978 said:
Cheesy said:
Not worth it mate :-)

He really is a **** though i can't believe (hmm well i can) that he really thinks like that. I've actually known a lot of old soldiers in my time and you can tell that that little **** hasn't. I'm being dead seriouse now if my grandad jim was still alive (WW2 vet) and heard that shit coming from that little ****. He would of thrown him over his knee and battered his arse till it was red raw. Then he would of gone round to his parents and give his dad a fucking hammering for bringing up such an horrible little **** (proper old school my grandad).

You have a PM.
Anyway, back on the proper subject.

In tutorial today our tutor brought up the fact that he'd been contacted by Labour Party HQ, via our local MP, with a request for a student from the Horticulture Dept to appear on a news programme to discuss the forthcoming axe of the Educational Maintenance Allowance (EMA) and Adult Learner's Grant (ALG).

While he has no affiliation with any political party, our tutor rightly argued that were it not bound to be spun like a Shane Warne hat-trick, the opportunity to raise awareness of the threat to Further Education (Such as our National Diploma in Horticulture), as opposed to University and other Higher Education should be considered by us, the students and the FE staff of the college.

We've heard plenty about how the middle classes and high academic achievers will be forced to double or even treble the amount they pay for their degrees. Who yet has mentioned the thousands of people, mainly working class school leavers or career changers who plan to train as electricians, plumbers, mechanics, horticulturists, builders: skilled trades? The fees for these courses will at least double at the same time as the degrees. It is highly doubtful that our particular course will even be provided at the college beyond the graduation of our year group. A course which has for many years provided ordinary people with an alternative, hard-working path to important skills and sees dozens of its alumni working for Kew, for the Forestry Commission, for the National Trust and English Heritage, for councils and best of all, for themselves in their own businesses.

There are only three out of twenty-two students in our class liable for full tuition fees of £1500 a year. The rest are on benefits and desperate to get off, or working part time to meet a contribution to their fees. I pay full-whack because I've done and am still paying off my English degree, with which I got nowhere. But that's my responsibility.

If the Condems get their way, half my classmates by next year will be picking up dog shit instead of attending classes in which they work fucking hard to better themselves.

What percentage of our current respective cabinets attended such Further Education, compared to attending private school and swanning round Oxbridge on a Roman Mythology course?
What the students should do to get their voices heard is engage in the democratic system by voting for MPs who agree with their opinions, for example, MPs who promise not to increase tuition fees...oh wait...

What choice do people have when the representative system straight up betrays their vote? I applaud the protestors. Government should fear us!
As an aside here, has anyone noticed the ages of the people who have been making their comments in the media supporting the riot? The woman representing the Uni of London is 37! Another anarchist crackpot mouthing off on their behalf is 28! FFS, are we expected to fund some idle trots to go to school until they retire?
Says it all really about the mindset and outlook of these perpetual grievance merchants. They are fucking terrified of having to fend for themselves in the real world and forever want to ponce off society. Bring back student grants for the brightest and best of us (around 5%) and this funding problem would not exist.

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