Training Today 5th November

Neil McNab's Tash

Well-Known Member
29 Aug 2008
Poynton OSC & twitter @NMTmcfc
Here's DH's report from Cityfans:

Hopefully get there tomorrow myself:

Back to the cold wet miserable Carrington weather today. Vinnie and Lescott back in full training with RSC and Bridge having a pretty good work out with a physio and expected back in full training tomorrow. AND Robinho was out doing a 1 to 1 with a physio and is a possible for full training next week.

Plenty of warm up stuff and as they started off with a jog around the field Adebayor got a special round of applause and laughter as he came out late and had to catch up. MJ was the first out by quite a few minutes and having a lengthy chat with EN. The warm up stuff ended with the keep ball circles and the liveliness of the group started to develop. All the time EN pushing them to be sharp in everything they did.

EN then took them through some attacking routines with the emphasis on pace and movement and definitely a shot on goal at the end. It wasn't all great but overall fairly positive.Then they moved onto a match scenario but not before Hughes had got them altogether for some words. He did this before the first pitch exercise too! Whilst he always does have words it isn't that often he gathers them all twice in quick succession.

In the match play EN would stop things quite often when they weren't getting it right. Hard to be sure from a distance but the imperession I got there were a few things he was picking on. One was the defenders not using the space often in front of them to move forward with the ball rather than playing something hopeful. They do not want hopeful but much more assured passing starting from the back and through NDJ/GB/SI or whoever.

Another was having some patience. Similar to the first issue but even more so when getting into the attacking half. Not to just go for the first thing that appears like a hopeful ball in the middle to the 1 man who might be there but work it around. It's all about pass and move but the last aspect was also getting people in the box . That was all the impressions I got.

As it was fairly stop start not a lot to pick from the general play. Nedum did look assured though. Shay was in the closest goal and when I congratulated him for Sunday he reacted with " I would rather we had won 5 .4 " Legend.

The final part of the session today was 6 a side with smaller nets in driving rain at times. He won't like me for saying it but when Benjani nutmegged Bellers it was very funny and he did see the funny side when he swore. Needless to say he got his own back with a hat trick in his sides victory with David Gonzales whatsisname keeping everything out at the other end.

A few knocks and bruises along the way today but nothing of note I hope. NDJ limping at one time but he shrugged off the trainer, SWP hitting the deck regularly but bouncing up as usual
Citytillidie69 said:
cheers NMT.

Good holiday ? anywhere nice ?

Great holiday thanks, went to Mauritius, only problem was me and the lad got severe food poisoning 3 days from the end so spent them days in bed, well not in bed, back and forth to the loo! She thought it was an excuse to watch the game.

Not too bad though when you can come back off holiday get on the scales and lose 7 lbs, although i certainly had it to!

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