its been pretty nuts here the past week or so.
lets gets this straight though the majority of the trouble is by the local nike tracksuit wearing scumbegs who are just there for the 'fun'
the peaceful protests have gone pretty much trouble free albeit blocking roads which is a fucking annoyance and should be moved off the streets.
the whole flag issue (or fleg as we like to call it!) i can see both sides, honestly the country is in the shit with jobs and investment and people should be rallying around politicians to do more.
although i can see why people are annoyed about it, peoples fathers, mothers, sons and daughters have died in wars over the flag. it is a capital city of the UK and london, edinburgh and cardiff all have theres flying 365 days a year and if not they have the right to do so.
i think honestly the union is the best place for NI to be, there is no way i can see the Rep ever being able to afford NI becoming part of it.
there is some stat that NI claims so many billions from the UK to actually just survive, if that were to stop then i dont know what the people would do, never mind the people that rely on the government.
in a way i think NI has become institutionalised within the UK.
if in the future that changes and we can support outselves free of the UK then definately its worth considering.
i think politicians need to do whats best for the people rather than what there idolic idea of indentities are.