Trouble in the North Stand second tier vs United


Well-Known Member
18 Mar 2015
Not sure if anyone saw this but it happened under the Colin Bell/North Stand scoreboard just after United's goal.

United fan wearing a half-and-half scarf (of course) jumped up to celebrate. Obviously he was spotted by everyone around him. Two young stewards began to escort him out when a pumped up City lad ran 10-20 yards along a row and leathered him across the head.

A fight then ensued and one of the poor stewards - who's looked after our block for a couple of seasons now - nearly got trampled in the melee. Fully lost sight of her at points as she got squished between these two huge lads scrapping with each other. She can't be over 20 and she's a tiny little thing with glasses. As a fellow bespectacled member of society my heart went out to her.

They managed to get some burly security guys to clear them off and get both guys out in the end, and I chatted to her (and her manager) after the game and she seemed alright and laughed it off. But it got me wondering why the stewards aren't getting more help for big games when there's likely to be a few away fans trying to jib into the match or buy a ticket in the home end?

I understand we're in the family bit, and there's outrage if someone dares stand up to sing most weeks, but we always get tourists and away fans sitting in our end - and it's always worse against Liverpool, United, Arsenal, etc. Makes me wonder why some of the stewarding staff, especially the younger ones, aren't given more help.

And at half-time I'm always dumbstruck that the kitchens and bars seem to be run exclusively by people under the age of 25 - and there's never enough of them either. We're the richest club in the world but we only seem interested in employing a minimal amount of students who'll accept minimum wage.

It could have turned really nasty in our bit yesterday and I'm honestly not sure what the two stewards we had would have done if they hadn't gone and fetched some nearby security detail sharpish. Kids needs jobs, that's fair enough, but they need better assistance to do that job properly, surely?
Not sure if anyone saw this but it happened under the Colin Bell/North Stand scoreboard just after United's goal.

United fan wearing a half-and-half scarf (of course) jumped up to celebrate. Obviously he was spotted by everyone around him. Two young stewards began to escort him out when a pumped up City lad ran 10-20 yards along a row and leathered him across the head.

A fight then ensued and one of the poor stewards - who's looked after our block for a couple of seasons now - nearly got trampled in the melee. Fully lost sight of her at points as she got squished between these two huge lads scrapping with each other. She can't be over 20 and she's a tiny little thing with glasses. As a fellow bespectacled member of society my heart went out to her.

They managed to get some burly security guys to clear them off and get both guys out in the end, and I chatted to her (and her manager) after the game and she seemed alright and laughed it off. But it got me wondering why the stewards aren't getting more help for big games when there's likely to be a few away fans trying to jib into the match or buy a ticket in the home end?

I understand we're in the family bit, and there's outrage if someone dares stand up to sing most weeks, but we always get tourists and away fans sitting in our end - and it's always worse against Liverpool, United, Arsenal, etc. Makes me wonder why some of the stewarding staff, especially the younger ones, aren't given more help.

And at half-time I'm always dumbstruck that the kitchens and bars seem to be run exclusively by people under the age of 25 - and there's never enough of them either. We're the richest club in the world but we only seem interested in employing a minimal amount of students who'll accept minimum wage.

It could have turned really nasty in our bit yesterday and I'm honestly not sure what the two stewards we had would have done if they hadn't gone and fetched some nearby security detail sharpish. Kids needs jobs, that's fair enough, but they need better assistance to do that job properly, surely?
I was right behind all this yesterday, I spoke to the Utd fan before kick off as he couldn’t find his seat, I use the term Utd fan loosely as as he was definitely a tourist and probably wasn’t aware that celebrating an opposition goal in the home end isn’t the done thing, he seemed genuinely perplexed that his actions had turned a load of 50 and 60 plus year olds into a foaming at the mouth mob. The Rags scored and they needed to take it out on someone and it was embarrassing to say the least but hey a few geezers got to prove how hard they are.
I was right behind all this yesterday, I spoke to the Utd fan before kick off as he couldn’t find his seat, I use the term Utd fan loosely as as he was definitely a tourist and probably wasn’t aware that celebrating an opposition goal in the home end isn’t the done thing, he seemed genuinely perplexed that his actions had turned a load of 50 and 60 plus year olds into a foaming at the mouth mob. The Rags scored and they needed to take it out on someone and it was embarrassing to say the least but hey a few geezers got to prove how hard they are.
Sorry but only a complete cretin would put themselves in that posistion.

Honestly up and down the land at any game you are simply looking for bother if you celebrate in the home end but to do it in a derby game fook me
People aren't always nice in fact they can be downright nasty, putting an employee of that stature in a position where they can get hurt is bad, as is expecting someone of that size to manage big men who are fighting.
People aren't always nice in fact they can be downright nasty, putting an employee of that stature in a position where they can get hurt is bad, as is expecting someone of that size to manage big men who are fighting.

In all fairness though, she is probably in there as it's a family stand, and shouldn't expect a big daft **** to jump up when Utd scored, no matter what part of the ground if that happens they are getting a clout and thrown out, just exactly what happened yesterday, fingers crossed she's ok mind.
People aren't always nice in fact they can be downright nasty, putting an employee of that stature in a position where they can get hurt is bad, as is expecting someone of that size to manage big men who are fighting.
I did suggest to one of them that he could turf him out instead of shouting at the young girl to do it, as I said embarrassing.
I didn’t see that incident but something similar happened in my block and within I’d say 10 seconds, there were about a dozen stewards and security on the scene to help the regular girl deal with it. You can’t ask for more than that really.

Even on a derby, they’re not going to have a full team of security on every single entrance, waiting to sort out a bit of handbags.
I’ve been in the “wrong” end once in my life (at West Ham) and I’d never do it again as I couldn’t enjoy the day. We lost and I was conscious of being City all the way through.

The rags are the ultimate love hate club and only one of their odious fans celebrates a goal in our section. It’s so disrespectful to do it.

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