Well-Known Member
I've just started Gotham. Seems good so far, I'll stick with it I reckon.
Well worth sticking with.I've just started Gotham. Seems good so far, I'll stick with it I reckon.
I've just started Gotham. Seems good so far, I'll stick with it I reckon.
I've just started Gotham. Seems good so far, I'll stick with it I reckon.
Two of my favourate scenesIs it me or is Rick less of a drunk dickhead and just a dickhead in this current series?
'Scuse me, 19...197*buuurp*8 called and wants its genre back!
Isn't this, isn't this done... been done to death already?
Yeah, pun intended.
Feck, Grandpa Rick has ruined my life.
And awaaaay we go!
True Detective 2 is miles better than the first series I just cant get enough of it!