Here’s my grassy knoll theory...
Has anyone got someone working for them (or at their place of work) who they really want to get rid of, but no matter what they can think of it just won’t work as it seems they’re Teflon coated??
Step forward Mr it beyond the realms of possibility (granted that they are micron thin) that the head of the AC (after being pissed off with him after the PSG debacle) and Ceferin have created this situation by using us as the means to get rid of him. I know it would seem like an extraordinary way to do it, but it would certainly have the desired effect...
On another note, I am still quietly confident that we will have our appeal upheld and really hope that in the time between the case being concluded and it being announced to the world, we have been greasing our big guns to annihilate any reporter or publication that hints at a sniff of us “getting away with it” or any other inflammatory comments to that effect...they should be put on notice...we have been quiet in that field too long...