Uefas new money laws?

blueinsa said:
RabidCity said:
The operating profit posted by the club is likely to mean they meet the requirements. At the end of the day as a business they are profitable, just weighed down by financing which is only reflected in the net figure. Net Losses are sustainable, Operating losses are not.

All good and well mate but the realities of this will mean a club like ourselves being banned from a compation for effectively being free of debt whilst a club from stretford, balls deep in a Billion quids worth are told to just carry on! Every few years madrid go cap in hand to the royal family, will that be ok or will they get banned?

Not a fucking chance of this happening imo, the lawyers will rip it too shreds.

Nothing more than the politics of envy, designed to protect the old guard.

As a business United are technically healthy because they repay their debt and refinancing would never be a problem with their huge turnover, debt isn't a problem until it isn't being repaid. Their problems will begin when they can't repay the debt but when that day looms i have no doubts the Glazers will sell up.

We are not in a healthy state at all, being debt free is alright but we are like a shop paying 5 grand a week for stock and only making 500 quid, its completely unsustainable. We do have a wealthy backer but what happens if his assets/capital was lost/frozen/blown up,etc? I.E what if he for some reason had to pull out of City, it would be catastrophic and almost certainly be the end of us as we have no assets such as a stadium to use as leverage. If the Glazers pull out of United and sellup they'll just simply be debt free or be leveraged with debt but with the turnover they pull its sustainable. Put yourself in the Sheikh's shoes how much of his investment in City do you think he will ever recoup? I don't think he'll ever see that money again and that's why he obviously will be here the long-term, he definitely though isn't your average investor.

Put yourself in UEFA's shoes, its not just City but consider an unpredictable backer or look at the fiasco at Portsmouth all of these owned by wealthy individuals who unlike our owner do not have football in mind but investment and profit, the second they see zero profit they just liquidate the asset and consolidate losses, basically letting wealthy businessmen into football is very risky as they won't always hold football as a priority, this is why i think the FFP makes sense, it will keep football as #1 as an owner can't just pile a bit of money into a club, go for Europe and if it failed just get rid of it.
inbetween said:
blueinsa said:
All good and well mate but the realities of this will mean a club like ourselves being banned from a compation for effectively being free of debt whilst a club from stretford, balls deep in a Billion quids worth are told to just carry on! Every few years madrid go cap in hand to the royal family, will that be ok or will they get banned?

Not a fucking chance of this happening imo, the lawyers will rip it too shreds.

Nothing more than the politics of envy, designed to protect the old guard.

As a business United are technically healthy because they repay their debt and refinancing would never be a problem with their huge turnover, debt isn't a problem until it isn't being repaid. Their problems will begin when they can't repay the debt but when that day looms i have no doubts the Glazers will sell up.

We are not in a healthy state at all, being debt free is alright but we are like a shop paying 5 grand a week for stock and only making 500 quid, its completely unsustainable. We do have a wealthy backer but what happens if his assets/capital was lost/frozen/blown up,etc? I.E what if he for some reason had to pull out of City, it would be catastrophic and almost certainly be the end of us as we have no assets such as a stadium to use as leverage. If the Glazers pull out of United and sellup they'll just simply be debt free or be leveraged with debt but with the turnover they pull its sustainable. Put yourself in the Sheikh's shoes how much of his investment in City do you think he will ever recoup? I don't think he'll ever see that money again and that's why he obviously will be here the long-term, he definitely though isn't your average investor.

Put yourself in UEFA's shoes, its not just City but consider an unpredictable backer or look at the fiasco at Portsmouth all of these owned by wealthy individuals who unlike our owner do not have football in mind but investment and profit, the second they see zero profit they just liquidate the asset and consolidate losses, basically letting wealthy businessmen into football is very risky as they won't always hold football as a priority, this is why i think the FFP makes sense, it will keep football as #1 as an owner can't just pile a bit of money into a club, go for Europe and if it failed just get rid of it.

We have been bought as a marketing tool to promote a country mate, a very very wealthy country that intends on being a major player from now on and as such, our future is not in any doubt. Manchester City will not be allowed to fail, we will succeed and will be used to show the world what a success Abu Dhabi is.

The FFP is nothing but the politics of envy, hurriedly drawn up by worried suits in charge of the old guard of European football, scared shitless that their little monopoly on all the money that their dreamt up competitions might just dry up because a new boy in town would mean one of them missing out.

FFP would never have happened had Liverpool been bought by DIC, i can guarantee it so don't tell me its fair and for the good of the game because it fucking isn't.

Not a chance of this seeing the light of day in its present form.
inbetween said:
blueinsa said:
All good and well mate but the realities of this will mean a club like ourselves being banned from a compation for effectively being free of debt whilst a club from stretford, balls deep in a Billion quids worth are told to just carry on! Every few years madrid go cap in hand to the royal family, will that be ok or will they get banned?

Not a fucking chance of this happening imo, the lawyers will rip it too shreds.

Nothing more than the politics of envy, designed to protect the old guard.

As a business United are technically healthy because they repay their debt and refinancing would never be a problem with their huge turnover, debt isn't a problem until it isn't being repaid. Their problems will begin when they can't repay the debt but when that day looms i have no doubts the Glazers will sell up.

We are not in a healthy state at all, being debt free is alright but we are like a shop paying 5 grand a week for stock and only making 500 quid, its completely unsustainable. We do have a wealthy backer but what happens if his assets/capital was lost/frozen/blown up,etc? I.E what if he for some reason had to pull out of City, it would be catastrophic and almost certainly be the end of us as we have no assets such as a stadium to use as leverage. If the Glazers pull out of United and sellup they'll just simply be debt free or be leveraged with debt but with the turnover they pull its sustainable. Put yourself in the Sheikh's shoes how much of his investment in City do you think he will ever recoup? I don't think he'll ever see that money again and that's why he obviously will be here the long-term, he definitely though isn't your average investor.

Put yourself in UEFA's shoes, its not just City but consider an unpredictable backer or look at the fiasco at Portsmouth all of these owned by wealthy individuals who unlike our owner do not have football in mind but investment and profit, the second they see zero profit they just liquidate the asset and consolidate losses, basically letting wealthy businessmen into football is very risky as they won't always hold football as a priority, this is why i think the FFP makes sense, it will keep football as #1 as an owner can't just pile a bit of money into a club, go for Europe and if it failed just get rid of it.
i'm sorry mate but the idea that uefa are being altruistic looking out for the common man's interests is just naive bollocks
if uefa really cared about fair play they would not have introduced a payment system that keeps the biggest team in each league in clover for years
why not spread the CL money equally amongst all the teams in the uefa 'family'? that way everyone can grow equally and all have an equal chance
uefa are set up to ensure the G14 teams make the most money for evermore and to fuck over everyone else
I'm no lawyer but I will be amazed if these new rules stick. It's a free world and if an individual wants to give money to someone else or an organisation then what's wrong with that? Who are UEFA to say what someone should pay for sponsorship deals or a private box? Are everyone's ticket prices to be standardised? I'm pretty certain that when UEFA sell the rights to the Champions League it's to the highest bidder not the worthiest. The rules are possibly well intended but the result would be that anyone not getting Champions League money would be at a massive financial disadvantage. Ultimately it makes football less competitive.
Time for a rethink in any other sport. As for Fifa and Uefa they would rather live in the dark ages just look all of the shit with using video tech. That should of been brought in years ago but not. Now the money rules in a ideal world it would of been the way to go 20 years ago but at this time maybe not.

You look now the money in the English league is the biggest so clubs from here were willing to take the risks to get some of that money and by winning cups it leads to better advertising and more money coming into the club. It will come a time that the clubs may well break away from UEFA and do there own champions league with a huge prize for the winner but will UEFA take that risk of loosing the teams that are dominating but for money reasons and Uefa laws they ban the better teams.
Palerider said:
The rules are possibly well intended but the result would be that anyone not getting Champions League money would be at a massive financial disadvantage. Ultimately it makes football less competitive.

Completely agree with what you say, but you seem to think that as it doesn't make any logical sense they can't do it. They are! Logic, sense and UEFA don't seem to go hand in hand. Think about it, the CL already is a massive financial advantage, all they are doing (in their minds) is make sure nobody takes stupid financial chances to make it to the Holy Grail. The fact they are shutting the door doesn't seem to bother them. Just be glad we got in when we did, as, to go back to the OP, I can't see the likes of Everton ever making it now.
Every team like city will say they are going to compliy and won't cause a fuss, but if and when they day comes a big team is actually stopped from entering Europe due to these rules I can guarentee that, the said team will have thier lawyers on it straight away. That's why I think city are meeting uefa all the time, so that uefa work with city as they know that if they do ban us we will take it to the courts and win.
squirtyflower said:
inbetween said:
As a business United are technically healthy because they repay their debt and refinancing would never be a problem with their huge turnover, debt isn't a problem until it isn't being repaid. Their problems will begin when they can't repay the debt but when that day looms i have no doubts the Glazers will sell up.

We are not in a healthy state at all, being debt free is alright but we are like a shop paying 5 grand a week for stock and only making 500 quid, its completely unsustainable. We do have a wealthy backer but what happens if his assets/capital was lost/frozen/blown up,etc? I.E what if he for some reason had to pull out of City, it would be catastrophic and almost certainly be the end of us as we have no assets such as a stadium to use as leverage. If the Glazers pull out of United and sellup they'll just simply be debt free or be leveraged with debt but with the turnover they pull its sustainable. Put yourself in the Sheikh's shoes how much of his investment in City do you think he will ever recoup? I don't think he'll ever see that money again and that's why he obviously will be here the long-term, he definitely though isn't your average investor.

Put yourself in UEFA's shoes, its not just City but consider an unpredictable backer or look at the fiasco at Portsmouth all of these owned by wealthy individuals who unlike our owner do not have football in mind but investment and profit, the second they see zero profit they just liquidate the asset and consolidate losses, basically letting wealthy businessmen into football is very risky as they won't always hold football as a priority, this is why i think the FFP makes sense, it will keep football as #1 as an owner can't just pile a bit of money into a club, go for Europe and if it failed just get rid of it.
i'm sorry mate but the idea that uefa are being altruistic looking out for the common man's interests is just naive bollocks
if uefa really cared about fair play they would not have introduced a payment system that keeps the biggest team in each league in clover for years
why not spread the CL money equally amongst all the teams in the uefa 'family'? that way everyone can grow equally and all have an equal chance
uefa are set up to ensure the G14 teams make the most money for evermore and to fuck over everyone else

I was just thinking from a business sense mate, our own chairman has already publicly said that the current British football model is completely unsustainable thats the point i was making. Its no secret that many clubs are completely mismanaging finances (Portsmouth, Liverpool, Sheff Weds, Dundee, etc) and really i just see the UEFA FFP as the first step of guidelines to get things under control. Doesn't mean i agree with it though as being a City fan i want us to be the best.

The one thing the FFP will do which is brilliant for football in general is attract new investors, no-one will buy football clubs at the moment because most of them run the line in terms of profit margins + have debt etc, they are all awful as businesses because of the nature of football and the current regulation. The new rules will attract investors looking to invest which creates competition and that's good.

As for the lawyer thing, European competition is UEFA's party and if we aren't invited then well what can we do? The only thing we have if anything on them is restricting trade/competition. City aren't stupid and telling UEFA they intend to comply simply means they are deadly serious about these rules sticking, ultimately UEFA make the rules and we have no choice unless the EU step in and well fat chance of that.

A couple of interesting things i found are these.

"Money from benefactors, such as Sheikh Mansour, to underwrite transfer spending and wages was to have been banned but will now be permitted within limits. Unfortunately these have not been specified, so we’ll just have to wait and see what the figure is.

Investment will have to come in the form of equity rather than loans, which is ok for City. There will be no restriction on investment in youth academies and stadiums."

Coincidence or not that Sheikh Mansour again injected 80 Million of equity into the club?
inbetween said:
squirtyflower said:
i'm sorry mate but the idea that uefa are being altruistic looking out for the common man's interests is just naive bollocks
if uefa really cared about fair play they would not have introduced a payment system that keeps the biggest team in each league in clover for years
why not spread the CL money equally amongst all the teams in the uefa 'family'? that way everyone can grow equally and all have an equal chance
uefa are set up to ensure the G14 teams make the most money for evermore and to fuck over everyone else

I was just thinking from a business sense mate, our own chairman has already publicly said that the current British football model is completely unsustainable thats the point i was making. Its no secret that many clubs are completely mismanaging finances (Portsmouth, Liverpool, Sheff Weds, Dundee, etc) and really i just see the UEFA FFP as the first step of guidelines to get things under control. Doesn't mean i agree with it though as being a City fan i want us to be the best.

The one thing the FFP will do which is brilliant for football in general is attract new investors, no-one will buy football clubs at the moment because most of them run the line in terms of profit margins + have debt etc, they are all awful as businesses because of the nature of football and the current regulation. The new rules will attract investors looking to invest which creates competition and that's good.

As for the lawyer thing, European competition is UEFA's party and if we aren't invited then well what can we do? The only thing we have if anything on them is restricting trade/competition. City aren't stupid and telling UEFA they intend to comply simply means they are deadly serious about these rules sticking, ultimately UEFA make the rules and we have no choice unless the EU step in and well fat chance of that.

A couple of interesting things i found are these.

"Money from benefactors, such as Sheikh Mansour, to underwrite transfer spending and wages was to have been banned but will now be permitted within limits. Unfortunately these have not been specified, so we’ll just have to wait and see what the figure is.

Investment will have to come in the form of equity rather than loans, which is ok for City. There will be no restriction on investment in youth academies and stadiums."

Coincidence or not that Sheikh Mansour again injected 80 Million of equity into the club?

Nothing unfortunate about not being specified. Quite the reverse, I'd say. This is going to be a damp squib, just as the 25 man squad idea was a damp squib. All media hype until it happens (or, more accurately does NOT happen) and then everyone realises it's a load of shite and near as dammit, makes no difference.
Let's see how a top European team reacts when they are denied access to their Champions League revenue stream.

It will be funny as fuck when Mr Platini has the weight of European Law bearing down on his shoulders.

Wasn't there a meeting recently between City and Eufa when City said they would keep to 'the spirit' of the new laws.

Anyway, whatever the spirit of the new laws are, and they are probably very weak, let's just sit back and wait for Real Madrid, Inter Milan, or whoever, to take his restrictive trade practices into the real world.

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