Uefas new money laws?

KenTheLandlord said:
The Shrike said:
in the context of which

is a bit embarassing, non?

..and as for being rattled - why would we be? We have always had clubs far more wealthy than ours to compete with, and have done. Talk about all this going to your heads before you have won anything at all. What you all going to be like if you actually win somethign?? doesn't bear thinking about.

Beautiful, just beautiful, you walked straight onto that rake. Now, if you have been around football, for say longer than 10 minutes, you would know "likkle city fans" (a piss take of our pronunciation of little) along with cITY and Citeh are all patronising terms for us. You clearly had no idea. Which makes me suspect the Gooner bubble you live in has made you completely unaware of the absolute arse you have made of yourself.

Funny really, you don't even see the irony of being in a competition called CHAMPIONS League which has made you very rich and you haven't stepped near a championship for 6 years. Not as brass necked as Liverpool but certainly moving that way. So, having not won a championship for the last 6 years and wanting financial fair play, would you propose that all the monies won by yourself and Liverpool be divvied up between the other 90 clubs? That would be fair as we haven't won it either otherwise your words sound very hollow.

Now, having been shown you didn't understand the term likkle and being pulled for not spelling embarrassing correctly, shall we now go and look up "somethign"?

Oh dear, how embarrassing for the English teacher.

Btw, are you going to address any of the points raised or just continue to patronise and be lost in a world of irony.

So typo's now = reading and comprehension do they, mate? Kind of proves my point, really.

Why should I know your in-terms? I'm a Gooner. (Obviously know the Citeh one though - isn't that to do with the way Mancs pronounce City?)

As for Champs league - the fact that the top 4 clubs in the EPL qualify means fuck all in the context of your argument - unless you are trying to argue that we didn't have to play 38 games and amass sufficient points to get a top 4 place (which you might be seeing as you seem to be lost in a fantasy world of bitterness and chippiness yourself).

As for your last line - have a look at yourself, mate, please.<br /><br />-- Fri Nov 05, 2010 3:12 pm --<br /><br />
lloydie said:
The Shrike said:
Not really. Its your own chippiness that interprets what others say in this way. Most of what I have seen here is ultra defensiveness and the result of years of being overshadowed by Manure.

Most Gooners that I know are far from arrogant - getting stuffed each and every year for the past 5 seasons by stronger teams than you will tend to have that effect. We know our team cost less than the rest of the top 6 in transfer fees - and we know its not the finished article.

We are also well aware we've won nothing for a while - couldn't really not be when after Wenger's whinging its the thing that's talked about most. We accept that you and Citeh have raised the bar money wise, and that we are a team in progress - largely caused by re-building our stadium.

So why not simmer down, and get back on track with the thread.

From the Independent 8/10

Sorry mate, but, although you on the whole seem reasonable and obviously have some interest in the sustainability of our business model, you keep letting yourself down by relying on media cliche to which we've become (perhaps overly) sensitised. You keep referring to our "arrogance" which is non-existant unless you seriously misunderstand the term. Excited, yes. Eager, yes. And Yes, we've become defensive and it's no wonder when we have to put up with the condescending nonsense and factually incorrect accusations that you and others like you constantly direct at OUR club, can you honestly say you're surprised? I defy you not to defend your club when it's attacked with the usual media driven cliche, in fact you've done it several times in this very thread.
To put your worried and patronising mind at rest, have a read of this......

<a class="postlink" href="http://swissramble.blogspot.com/2010/10/how-manchester-city-could-break-even.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://swissramble.blogspot.com/2010/10 ... -even.html</a>

The bottom line is that we have a different business model to you at the moment and whether it all comes to fruition is open to conjecture but what is certain is that to dine at the top table requires significant resources that are denied to non CL teams to the point of a restrictive practice. Our ability to sustain this beyond the pump priming stage will very much depend on ourselves and our far from guaranteed success. Should we succeed will you be happy for us? I very much doubt it.... which would signal your concern for us as disingenuous at the very least. Your concern, I suspect. is as it should be for your own club and it's prospects at a time when the competition just got a bit harder. It's no good crying it's not fair all of a sudden when in reality it never has been.

Decent post.

The reason for my question is mere interest in what you lot think - of course I have no concern for your club's well being, and would be as happy as the next man to see you fail - not that you look like you are going to over the long run.

I haven't looked back over the whole thread, but in the bits you've quoted, its City fans calling Gooners arrogant, not the other way round, and I have just pointed out that this isn't really true - its the kind of rep that is bandied around by fans who know nothing about the reality - a bit like you are accusing me of in relation to believing media hype.

You are bang on when you say that fans will of course defend their clubs, and I would expect no different from yours. The chippiness I was referring to is the agressive defensiveness, but I take your point fully about having to deal with it

Out of interest, what are the factually incorrect accusations that I have made?
whats to stop city putting all players on 20k a week contracts, while mansour also give them a 200k a week contract to be the face of some company in abu dhabi?

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