UFO Unit Closed by MOD

is there anything the bluemoon mods cant do? supermen!/(women)too
buzzer1 said:
Ducado said:
They closed it because they will not find the answer searching for actual space craft, because they don't exist the phenomena has been around since man first walked the earth it just changes it's guise to suit the time it's in, from phantom airship to elves and fairies.

It is a subject that requires far more research and there are plenty of researchers who have joined the dots,

It's all very strange, have a look at this site

<a class="postlink" href="http://graylien.110mb.com/index.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://graylien.110mb.com/index.html</a>

and of course the web site of one of the best magazines available (been going for years(

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.forteantimes.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.forteantimes.com/</a> (Try the message board)

Nice one mate, i notice that you posted about the Fortean Times a couple of weeks back, there one or two that like that and i must say that its well worth a gander, i think Dabz likes it n all.

Ducado, do you personally believe in inter-dimensional existance or are we all that their is?

Hmmm I don't know what to beleive when it comes to this type of thing, but the evidence that I have seen and read about makes me think that the reality that we see is not the real reality but is a filtered version (read Aldolphus Huxley for more about the in built brain filter) without the filter we would all go insane, however I think some peoples filters let more in than others hence they see more reality than most (and it's very strange), hope that is not to far out.

By the way I am not to good at ironing aphex
Nice one mate, i notice that you posted about the Fortean Times a couple of weeks back, there one or two that like that and i must say that its well worth a gander, i think Dabz likes it n all.

Ducado, do you personally believe in inter-dimensional existance or are we all that their is?[/quote]

Hmmm I don't know what to beleive when it comes to this type of thing, but the evidence that I have seen and read about makes me think that the reality that we see is not the real reality but is a filtered version (read Aldolphus Huxley for more about the in built brain filter) without the filter we would all go insane, however I think some peoples filters let more in than others hence they see more reality than most (and it's very strange), hope that is not to far out.

Not at all mate. I'm gonna put a link on that you can look at, its quite long but very very fascinating indeed, save it to your favs. or somert and read it in your own time, let me know what you think though eh? i'm fascinated with this to say the least.

<a class="postlink" href="http://prernalal.com.nyud.net/banned%20books/Hollow%20Earth%20Theory%201.pdf" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://prernalal.com.nyud.net/banned%20 ... ry%201.pdf</a>
Well i can honestly say i was without the influence of illegal substances or alcohol when i saw what could only be described as nothing of this earth.I hadn't been watching Star Trek or my box set of the x files either.Very weird experience indeed!
scowy68 said:
Well i can honestly say i was without the influence of illegal substances or alcohol when i saw what could only be described as nothing of this earth.I hadn't been watching Star Trek or my box set of the x files either.Very weird experience indeed!

As long as you know what you saw mate, you know yer' own mind. Fuk em.
Don't blame any fucker for not believing me.If i hadn't experienced what i did, i very much doubt I'd believe anyone else lol!
scowy68 said:
Don't blame any fucker for not believing me.If i hadn't experienced what i did, i very much doubt I'd believe anyone else lol!

As long as YOU know mate. Its a personal thing anyway and quite overwhelming, it was for me anyway. Pure awesome.
Well they say somethings you will never forget and for me that was certainly one of them.Don't think I'll ever experience anything like it again,and as a young child it seemed even more awesome than if i was an adult.I absolutely shit myself lol!

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