UK far right trouble July/August 24

Don't be disheartened, mate. I've lived here all my life (mid 30s now) and I've never once felt overwhelmed by an atmosphere of intolerance and hate. It bubbles but never spills over. Good always wins, as they say. Your wife should be commended for the honourable job she does, not stigmatized, and most in our country will share that sentiment.

Don't let the (minority of) bastards grind you down, keep your chin up, and good luck with whatever you decide to do.

I feel your family's pain brother.

It's an unfortunate reality that highly skilled minorities will eventually take their skills and expertise and move to where they feel wanted.

Suffice to say, I hope you and your family stay.

Thanks both - appreciate your kind words - we will persevere. I'm sure this is probably one of those temporary feelings of unease you get and hopefully it will fade as things calm down.

And agree entirely that this is a vocal minority, I don't lose perspective of that fact. I think my wife feels the same. I'm also aware that it's easy for me to say as a regular white dude that everything is going to be fine, I don't have to walk down the street every day standing out from the crowd because of the colour of my skin - I'm not really in a position to tell her how she should be feeling. I think it is totally understandable that she worries it's only a matter of time until she happens across the wrong kind of person.

As GDM says - we probably need to try moving out of EDL HQ first :)
Enough is enough hey???

all them forrin fruits stealing shelf space from our great british navite apples I presume caused this

I’m not very easily moved but felt really upset today do some work for Uber at weekends picked up a family from rusholme going to bury
The lady and her 2 children were terrified as they are asylum seekers I was horrified to see how these twats that are rioting looting etc have made these people feel so afraid the children were no older than 5years of age anyway I reimbursed the fare out of my own pocket when I reached her destination as I feel ashamed frustrated upset and disappointed that certain people in this country think it’s ok to behave in this way,
Glad I Don't have kids or grandkids what a fucking mess the country is in..the thing that scares me I feel its only going to get worse..sad sad state of affairs
If I was going to give you some objective advice, if feasible, it would be to move out of one of the three most racist counties (along with Kent and Lincolnshire) in the country.
Entirely accurate (at least as far as Lincs is concerned) but, to be fair, the locals are also lazy as fuck - kicking a wall down for ammo is far too much like hard work for most of the chin-scrapers round here.

Still, it’s shaping up to be a long, unpleasant night.
I've got a bad feeling all this will spill over into the football season..hope I'm wrong
Right wingers from both comunities in NI flying tricolores next to the red hand flag, I'll give it till their 8th can before they get back to fighting each other ;-)
No chance.
Now that everything is recorded, once the police start arresting people over the next few days in numbers, the twats will start to shit themselves.
Agreed. Neo Nazis can't influence modern football in the modern era in my view. Too many families go to games at all levels.

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