UK far right trouble July/August 24

Can anyone state what English 'traditions and customs' are now outlawed? As against, no longer being done by choice.

I mean, no one eats tripe and onions anymore, but that wasn't forced on us by immigrants.

Please give specific examples. I can only think of fox-hunting and hare coursing, but neither was banned because immigrants wanted them

The people that voted Reform party are the thickos we see rioting. The amount of votes they got is a sad reflection of how stupid people are getting.
They got 4 million votes
Do you think if you did that you wouldn’t be charged by now ? This is a example of why people think 2 tier system

In my eyes anyone assaulting nhs , police , firefighters like that should be 15 years banged up right away
Guess what? It sometimes takes time to charge someone. You’d have to be off your rocker to think those responsible for that incident won’t be getting charged at some point
Any 1 who disagrees let’s call them racist
Seems like a plan to me. Let's be blunt here. Anyone shouting "p*kis go home" and attacking people of colour or their shops, is a fucking knuckle-dragging racist.

Anyone attacking the police is a brainless thug, not a protestor.
We laugh at the Yanks but we just as bad if not worse . It's 2024 and non whites are still being questioned about their Britishness, apparently only whites can be British and anyone else is an immigrant even if they are born here. At least in America if you are born in the country you are considered American.
Seems like a plan to me. Let's be blunt here. Anyone shouting "p*kis go home" and attacking people of colour or their shops, is a fucking knuckle-dragging racist.
I'm amazed anyone would ever think differently mate but there's loads of the cunts

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