UK far right trouble July/August 24

Whats not been talked about is the paucity of the Labour government's response. Starmer appears like a rabbit in the headlights, Cooper is vacuous and Rayner as much as i like her has been invisible.

I get a feeling, they are almost indifferent to what is happening and as the party who should be representing the working class, they do not seem interested in the working class. When Starmer said he would protect Mosques, quite rightly too, he could have also said he would protect all working class communities from this violence. Working class people are not exclusively white, they are of every colour, creed and religion and all the working class need protection from the disgusting actions of the far right. He could have said his government would protect the places of worship of all religions from attacks by the far right, because the far right will eventually attack synagogues too as the far right love a pogrom against minorities.

There is so much wrong with this country at the moment, there is so much misinformation on loads of subjects that need to be addressed. The economy is shit, the welfare state is the worst in Europe, the NHS is falling apart, our infrastructure is failing, poverty is rising, there is so much that this government needs to do to address these issues but they are being distracted by these riots.

Who benefits, the spivs and con men who took the country for a ride making millions whilst we were locked in our houses, they buy yachts, we get bricks thrown in our communities. They sip champagne whilst our police force is attacked, they live in gated communities whilst ours are being set alight on their behalf so they can avoid justice for their crimes.
Talked to a level headed person today who said that the Southport attacker was a Muslim, so was the person arrested close to the vigil.

Asked where they get their info, they said via many sources to which I had to say ‘You need to change them’.

They were fairly shocked at me calling the disinformation out and said we can have the conversation tomorrow once they’d found a reputable source.

So easy for people to get pulled in.
Was on Instagram when you go through the reels

The amount of disinformation I get sent from family and friends on Instagram has caused me to leave that platform. Your first thought whenever you see anything on any social media platform should be “is this real?” Don’t just take it as true and parrot it on other forums.

I can almost guarantee whatever you’ve seen they’ll have twisted it out of context or taken it from some event that happened ten years ago that’s totally unrelated. It’s a machine built to get engagement from outrage and falsehoods.

Social media is never a reputable source. It is simply huge volumes of total lies. It’s a large part of how we got into this mess in the first place.
On a positive note, what we might well be seeing is one of the most impotent displays of ‘power’ we’ve ever had the misfortune to see. They’ve managed to rouse some fat old scrotes and some kids whose little hope of escaping their life has likely gone in an hours looting and stone throwing. A tiny proportion of populace took part and that’s all they’ve got. They’re going down with more of a whimper than a bang.
Election lost with a majority voting for centre and left of centre parties, as is almost always true, violence unleashed, with no end game obvious. What do they menace society with now?

After the 2011 riots the DPP* set up a string of late sitting courts, some of which ran all night. They were jailed in double quick time and I’d imagine something similar is in the offing.

People are already going through the sausage machine, with lots remanded in custody for sentencing at crown court (as magistrates can only give a maximum 1 year jail term. I’d imagine there’s some huge anxiety following on from last night as they await a knock on the door.

Whenever stuff like this kicks off the Police are invariably slow at the start but catch up surprisingly quickly. In 2011 video evidence played a huge part in proving guilt and this idiots are not only on cctv but have actually been filming themselves committing acts of criminality!
Almost all will find themselves in prison sooner or later, and will likely still be blaming forriners for their lot in life.

The real tragedy is that these useful idiots have been had, yet again.
They’ve chopped off their own heads, and as usual, the malign actors whose bullshit got them out on the streets have looked up at the guillotine and said “nah, not today.”

If one of them, Farage, Yaxley Lennon, 30p Lee Anderson, Tice, Oakeshott, Fox, and Habib actually believed in what they doing they'd be fighting, looting and committing arson alongside them. It’s telling that they’re nowhere near it, and a shame none of the ‘patriots’ can put that together….

*Just in case people didn’t know the DPP was K.Starmer.
What a post that is *stands up and claps*

Can you imagine the hangxiety some of the scruffs will be having from their weekend on the booze (and the rest), knowing that it's all been filmed (by themselves!) and seen by millions, with any even half decent human being knowing what a thick little dickhead you are, awaiting that knock on the door to do years in the slammer. They've totally exposed themselves. Quite satisfying to think about that actually, but will be a lot more satisfying when they’re collectively doing decades (centuries?) in prison. Scumbags have got it coming
Muslim men attacking cars with white man now this is far from being over isn’t it both sides now are causing trouble and attacking people because they have a different skin colour and the government is only interested in political wars with the far right than actually finding a way to solve this issue can see this going on for weeks
Whats not been talked about is the paucity of the Labour government's response. Starmer appears like a rabbit in the headlights, Cooper is vacuous and Rayner as much as i like her has been invisible.

I get a feeling, they are almost indifferent to what is happening and as the party who should be representing the working class, they do not seem interested in the working class. When Starmer said he would protect Mosques, quite rightly too, he could have also said he would protect all working class communities from this violence. Working class people are not exclusively white, they are of every colour, creed and religion and all the working class need protection from the disgusting actions of the far right. He could have said his government would protect the places of worship of all religions from attacks by the far right, because the far right will eventually attack synagogues too as the far right love a pogrom against minorities.

There is so much wrong with this country at the moment, there is so much misinformation on loads of subjects that need to be addressed. The economy is shit, the welfare state is the worst in Europe, the NHS is falling apart, our infrastructure is failing, poverty is rising, there is so much that this government needs to do to address these issues but they are being distracted by these riots.

Who benefits, the spivs and con men who took the country for a ride making millions whilst we were locked in our houses, they buy yachts, we get bricks thrown in our communities. They sip champagne whilst our police force is attacked, they live in gated communities whilst ours are being set alight on their behalf so they can avoid justice for their crimes.
Yes he could have said we will protect all places of worship but it's only Mosques that are being targeted.
The police don't need to be standing outside the Holy Name Church on Wilmslow Road as the Rusholme Ruffians aren't interested in attacking it.
The amount of disinformation I get sent from family and friends on Instagram has caused me to leave that platform. Your first thought whenever you see anything on any social media platform should be “is this real?” Don’t just take it as true and parrot it on other forums.

I can almost guarantee whatever you’ve seen they’ll have twisted it out of context or taken it from some event that happened ten years ago that’s totally unrelated. It’s a machine built to get engagement from outrage and falsehoods.

Social media is never a reputable source. It is simply huge volumes of total lies. It’s a large part of how we got into this mess in the first place.
Very true. You could say the same with all the twitter crap that's been spilled onto this thread. Take it with a pinch of salt and move on.
Muslim men attacking cars with white man now this is far from being over isn’t it both sides now are causing trouble and attacking people because they have a different skin colour and the government is only interested in political wars with the far right than actually finding a way to solve this issue can see this going on for weeks

Tommy Robinson will have a hard on watching that whilst lying around the pool at Club Tropicana.
They are doing exactly what he wants them to do and giving Robinson the green light for his next move.
The amount of disinformation I get sent from family and friends on Instagram has caused me to leave that platform. Your first thought whenever you see anything on any social media platform should be “is this real?” Don’t just take it as true and parrot it on other forums.

I can almost guarantee whatever you’ve seen they’ll have twisted it out of context or taken it from some event that happened ten years ago that’s totally unrelated. It’s a machine built to get engagement from outrage and falsehoods.

Social media is never a reputable source. It is simply huge volumes of total lies. It’s a large part of how we got into this mess in the first place.

Don't think there is much reason to doubt it. There will no doubt be plenty incidents like that where nutters will react in the opposite direction. They too should 100% be arrested and face justice, before shit keeps getting worse.

And if anyone argues the guy getting a kicking was grooming asian girls, that they are just concerned parents, or that they have legitimate grievances to excuse their actions, that should be challenged too.

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