UK far right trouble July/August 24

Repeating the video in a context that assumes guilt or even innocence is contempt.

Simply reposting something that already exists in the public domain alongside facts isn't contempt. A judge can however order differently if it will affect a case but it's hard to see why it would matter for this video.

Tommy Robinson is facing contempt charges because he repeated a video containing false information as part of his own material in an effort to say that somebody had done something wrong when they hadn't. He was ordered not to do it and he had already lost a libel case for it.
Many thanks for explaining it. As the joke goes 'I'm none the wiser... no but you are better informed'
That's a legal joke between an ignorant judge and a barrister. I cant remember it though.
Don't forget this piece of shit

An evil man plain and simple. Surely his comments are illegal.
He has a column in the Jewish Chronicle. Why are they employing someone whose views on Muslims are EXACTLY the same as Adolf Hitler's on Jews that they are a fifth column who don't belong. It's disgusting.
He's a monster, absolute fucking monster. And has such a big influence writing for all the rags (spectator, sun etc) that the morons who live on this island gobble up. Very dangerous monster
Reminds me of a couple of lines from this clip.

"We focus too much on fringe bigots"

"Racism comes from the top down not the bottom up"

Don't forget this piece of shit

I saw that video the other day on YouTube I think. He's always been a bit to the right of the spectator and hides behind the fact that he's LGBT to punch down on trans etc, but some of that video is quite chilling. Worse by a distance that anything I've seen of farage or Robinson imho.

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