yeah whatever !!
Well-Known Member
class post that ta for bumping.Criminally overlooked post from 15 pages back.
Nice one Maly. :)
class post that ta for bumping.Criminally overlooked post from 15 pages back.
don't let on fella, let em find out for themselves,and when they do ...act surprised ;)My rag mates are all giddy about his press conference they love him, so I got through half a message explaining how he is there downfall then I thought!! Crack on rag boys LVG IS GOD! AND ED'S THE SECOND COMIC! Deluded is a massive understatement.
I may actually die laughing this month
I may actually die laughing this month
Would actually love to see this, he'd cost them an absolute fortune, and he'd get totally slaughtered in the prem - show pony bellend.