A lot of players (particularly rag players) seem to exist in some kind of alternate reality, far removed from the real world. Most of them come from a normal working-class background where you have to watch every penny and you have to scrimp and save just to take the kids to Butlins once a year.
But almost overnight some of these players become multi-millionaires and life suddenly changes for both them and their families/close friends. They no longer have worry if their old Nissan will pass its MOT or not, they just go out and buy a fleet of brand new BMW's, Audi's etc. They have accountants, managers and personal assistants to do everything for them: they arrange appointments, keep passports up to date, advise them on press releases and statements...in short, they pay people to help them exist on a day-to-day basis.
That sort of thing would have a psychological impact on any person, young or old. And I suspect in Pogbad's case he was advised by a member of his inner circle to make such a statement.
Basically, I don't believe a word that comes out of his mouth.