United Thread - 2023/24

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Chatting with one of the rare normal rags in the pub the other night, I offered him my perspective and he got it. Hopefully he’s in the very small minority.

I pointed out that since the FA Cup semi final everything they’ve done as a club has been reactionary. Right from the moment the toe sucking ginger pig chopped Zabaleta in half because they couldn’t stand being beaten by the better team.
We saw how they took their loss as they all tried to pile in on Mario. A guy that didn’t seem to give a fuck about much, but he did hate them. But they couldn’t stand that City no longer suffered their nonsense. Ferguson only really encountered Mourinho that didn’t bend over for him. Even Wenger was happy to be the Bruno to his Tyson. Mancini was not, Cook was not, Mubarak was not.

Ever since that day they’ve been reactionary, signing a 30 year old RVP, something that only months before GPC had said United couldn’t do. Something along the lines of ‘United can’t sign established World clad players in silly money’. From that transfer, Rooney, Ferdinand etc all wanted huge wages. The reaction had set in.

GPC knew his race was ran, fucking off and leaving an ageing and vastly overpaid squad.

From here, they still didn’t learn, gpc insisted on Moyes signalling a refusal to accept change or progression.

We got Pellegrini in, we knew it was a transitional manager working towards where we wanted to be. It didn’t need to be instant success but progression.

United longed for the status quo. Moyes would surely pick up where piss can left off, well, he didn’t and in a desperate move to keep up, once again they tried to emulate Ferguson with Louis Long Ball, he understood the United way, so once again they went back to what they knew. High wide wingers, kick n rush football. Not realising this was dead.

We announce Pep. The single most progressive coach of all time(arguably). What did they do? Mourinho. After all this is “Manchester United” and “Manchester United” only know one way.. The ‘United way’. Only the ‘United way’ was becoming more and more outdated. Mourinho suited that. But even if successful, he’d offer zero progression.

Then we saw 4 years of trying to react to all our signings.
One after the other players rocked up there that we’d either identified as a potential player or a cherry on top type signing.
They weren’t at that stage, they needed solid foundations, not players like Sanchez. Did they learn? No. Still going on about “MANchester Uoonited” and the “United way”.

Whilst all this was going on, off the field they were trying to react to what we were doing. Hurrying through FFP, all sorts of other hurdles for us to jump. They were more concerned with stopping us than actually progressing. They’d become Dick Dastardly. Constantly trying to halt our progress rather than grow their own.

It’s not changed, they’re not learning, off the field they’re still trying to hinder what we do, they’d be better emulating and learning from us, but they won’t because their own fucked ego, delusions of grandeur and that fucking “Yoonited Way” simply can’t allow them to acknowledge that it is not only bullshit, but if it were true, it’s so far out of date, they’re trying to recreate glory days rather than create new glory.

Right up until this week, they keep going on, the media will always continue to go on about United being ‘bigger’. How is that fucking measured? JFE at centre back and a half empty stadium on 70 minutes is not and never will be the actions of the biggest club in the World.
Neville harping on about it being Manchester United, Keane going on about what it means to be captain of United. Neville slaughtering the Glazers for not making sure everything they have is the best… Well Gaz, whilst you all long for what once was, you’ll never realise what needs to be. Old Scaffold needs knocking down, or they need to move. They won’t do that.. Why? Because they’re Manchester Yoonited. Not accepting that all the biggest clubs in the World are doing exactly what they think they can’t do. Barca, Real, Atleti, Juventus, Bayern have or are doing what the ‘Nited’ way won’t allow, as they’ll lose their Soul.. Yep, fuck knows what that means a

And Roy, it means fuck all to be captain at United. The club is a fucking shambles. Obviously the captain is going to be a joke, if he had desire, passion, belief, heart and leadership skills, he’s not at United.

All this overseen by GPC, how do you fucking progress with that shadow looming over the club?

Manchester United are Manchester United’s problem. They can’t see it and hopefully never will.
Actually, Manchester United's biggest problem is Manchester City.
I am too, well from Ancoats but went to all of my schools in Wythenshawe.

The internet for some reason can't seem to pin the fucker down :)
He grew up in Northern Moor a couple of doors down from a relative of mine. I'm originally from Wythenshawe (Brooklands council estate) which borders Northern Moor and so my extended family lived on both sides of Baguley Brook.
There once was a little goose called Ten Haag he thought he was as big as all the other Geese.
But he soon realised that the other geese had already set off on the journey south as winter was approaching.
He flapped his little wings and after a huge struggle managed to get into the air hoping to catch the geese ahead of him. He flew so high into the sky in his quest to catch up that his little wings began to ice up and pretty soon his whole body was a complete goose sized hailstone.. He promptly fell down to earth with a bang and was slowly freezing to death entombed in his icy coffin. All seemed lost when suddenly a big cow came ambling along and had the biggest dump on the poor unfortunate goose popsicle...Then all of a sudden the ice began to melt from the heat of the massive pile of cow shit that was in fact thawing him out... as soon as his head was free and he could breathe he began to sing with happiness as his life was surely saved by the unknowing cow.
This however was short lived as a passing wolf saw the goose trapped in its frozen straightjacket singing its fucking head off promptly ripped the goose to shreds and swallowed it down for its dinner.
The moral of this story goes like this...
In life those who put you in the shit are not necessarily your enemy...and those who get you out of the shit are not necessarily your friend.
So if you really do find yourself in deep shit - keep yer fucking mouth shut. !!
Hahhaaaaaaaaaaaa I love that yw. Brilliant mate.
I see ten Bob has claimed he is the right person to lead the rags to better times.

He’s hardly going to say otherwise, I’d he? It would be career suicide.
Boo hoo. The fucking state of these cryarses now that they’ve stopped winning trophies

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