United Thread | 2024/25

He also referred to them as ‘they’ and then changed it to us.

If that was a Blue I salute you sir.

He’ll be in the shower now scrubbing himself clean.
This is something Ive wondered Ratcliffe a billionaire from chemicals but relatively unknown, what would his legacy have been? So a few years ago he (INEOS) purchased the Sky Cycling team and suddenly we were aware of INEOS but not yet Scruffy Jim, his next step was to fund the design and manufacture of a rip-off of the Land Rover Defender, his PR machine started to get his name out as a saviour of a much loved British vehicle. Next was a last minute bid for Chelsea, a season ticket holder, unfortunately for him it was too little too late. Then the Glaziers announced that they were willing to take offers for the rags, or a significant portion, step forward Scruffy Jim (a life long fan ha ha ha ) now he's got the profile he seemed to crave costing one of his many billions. INEOS are credited but it's actually a private investment by him. So, ultimately it seems to be profile and seeking a legacy looks like for the moment its gone to shit

You’d think he’d be willing to part with £2b for the ‘Scruffy Jim Arena’ but even wants the taxpayers to pay for his legacy.
Everything about the club is rotten from top to bottom and it all stems from entitlement and that entitlement is absolutely stopping from the massive improvement needed throughout:

The executive structure: Lets start at the top, the old idea was that it was all the glazers fault despite them spending over 1 billion pound on players they were the problem according to the press and the fans, so they farmed the problem out to catweasel and what has he done, he's come in and said alot of good soundbites, sacked alot of staff and drawn some pretty pictures but not made any material difference whatsoever and then he hires a cog in the wheel at city and gives him the keys to the car and once again what he does is come out and gave some pretty soundbites including the we want to compete to win the league in 2028 one which is just another lead weight of entitlement holding them back but in reality has made no material difference.

The playing and coaching staff: Once again its either one of two things with the players, older players coming for one final paycheck who are lauded as being the best ever in there position or young players breaking through who are lauded as the next big things, neither of these are true and result in a mish mash of players with ridiculously large egos who care about themselves and the brand far more than the team and think they are miles better than they are and become entitled which once again stunts their improvement.

The fans: They and the press are the biggest problem and the biggest lead weight dragging the club back, they are so entitled they leave no time for improvement and rebuilding which forces the owners and the manager into stupid decisions which are to the detriment of the club, they threaten protests, say they are going to write letters on their stupid little youtube channels and cannot accept that just because they were good 15 years ago it doesnt follow that they are now and despite what the press tells them it doesnt change what they see with their own eyes no matter how much they want it too.

The press: read above as much of it applies to the press but then you have ratboy tacitly managing the club and pushing his agenda and trying to force the owners in certain ways and then all his little allies and enablers like slimy stone following him and coddling the fans that it isnt as bad as all that and they are still the biggest club in the world (TM) and fueling their sense of entitlement which once again leads to bad decisions.

The club from top to bottom is rotten and the toxicity feeds of itself and long may it continue.

Please don't post this message anywhere other than Bluemoon.somebody at the swamp might gain to much insight to there problems. You've hit the nail on the head for me. MIND THE GAP SCUM
Jamie Redknapp (I know) made a good point last night that if this was still just the Glazers there they'd be getting ripped to pieces for how they've handled the whole Ten Hag situation since the end of last season.
One positive for us in losing the cup final was that it meant they kept on Ten Hag and delayed the inevitable, yet spent another 200m on players HE wanted.

Compo face deployed.

Looks like a ****, plays like a petulant and snidey ****, and is the captain of the rags who rarely get their deserved punishments.

Guilty on all charges , and wonderful to witness.
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