** Kicks off boots and falls into couch **
Well Campers what a bloody day it's been.
Started off with a visit to the Post Office at 6.30am to get a new motor for my dryer. Went to work, and it was one of those weird days. Won't go into detail, but after a 13 hour shift I was knackered (one of the highlights was meeting someone I gave a free holiday to, also meeting a guy with a 113 year old picture of the FA Cup...and taking him to see the actual former FA Cup trophy). Came home, saw my best mate on the new Lotto advert, opened the post and someone (dunno who) has sent me a newspaper article from about 60 years ago from the Glasgow Post about my Great Uncle in Wigan who was the first teacher in the country to have a betting licence, went to the gym and heard about my mates pissed antics on a plane in Mexico (he had to sign a contract to say he wouldn't drink on the return flight), come home and my lodger's just come back from singing with Badly Drawn Boy, put the telly on and my former
lodgers giving birth on screen. It was then that I realised that City were actually playing tonight, but that's for another forum.
That's just one bleeding day. Is it any wonder I've aged terribly to early?