us military in haiti

ali benarbia's studs

Well-Known Member
1 Jul 2009
nice one Centurion!
first, this is not a rant or dig.... why are the us military personal walking around with full gear(bags,canesters,guns,flak jackets etc.)??? a hand gun would be fine for protection! whats with all the excess gear i mean they are there to help,why don t they just leave it at the base and get to work in helping the haitians. to see the us military supporting is great ..carrying aid whilst still holding full issued gear ...well its just stupid(waste of time,money,energy).... isn t it? all the foootage i ve seen is soldiers struggling to carry their own gear nevermind the food,aid and medicines. i know haiti had a bad reputation pre-qwake but that doesn t quite cover it
Probably because the place could erupt any minute and there's a lot of people there who really dislike the US. The US has meddled with the politics there for a long time.
fair enough, i know the place may be seen to americans as a banana republic.....but thats out the window.... its a state of emergency.... move quick= save lives. any footage i ve seen shows the soldiers loading/unloading with full equipment. if you have twenty guys working and five protecting(armed guards) would it not get done quicker?
pee dubya said:
Probably because the place could erupt any minute and there's a lot of people there who really dislike the US. The US has meddled with the politics there for a long time.
Goes for most countries that. Anyway, they'll be needed here on Wednesday as, according to some, there is going to be civil war in Stretford.
No idea really, maybe it's the only way they're willing to go in, i guess they're just being cautious,
des hardi said:
first, this is not a rant or dig.... why are the us military personal walking around with full gear(bags,canesters,guns,flak jackets etc.)??? a hand gun would be fine for protection! whats with all the excess gear i mean they are there to help,why don t they just leave it at the base and get to work in helping the haitians. to see the us military supporting is great ..carrying aid whilst still holding full issued gear ...well its just stupid(waste of time,money,energy).... isn t it? all the foootage i ve seen is soldiers struggling to carry their own gear nevermind the food,aid and medicines. i know haiti had a bad reputation pre-qwake but that doesn t quite cover it
When every we deploy abroad we are issued full kit which is your resposiblilty to keep with you. Being armed is part and parcel of being deployed, you are issued with your own weapon that you keep with you at all time, you even sleep with it. They will be carrying rations of their own, medical packs for their own use and for those they are treating, water bottles etc etc. Yes it is a lot of kit but believe me we don't carry anything that we don't require. Flak jackets are to be worn at all times when out on the streets when deployed, you just need to look at some of the stuff some of the gangs are walking around with.
In the sitution they are at the moment it wouldn't be safe to put unarmed troops on the ground and it would never happen.
We have to remember the USA are the only country that can drop 10,000 troops in another country as quick as they can, we can't muster a few 100 without it being a major issue.
I have worked with the USA forces on a few occasions in the Gulf War etc and you will not come across a better equipped bunch. I still say we have a way better troop and what may take 500 of their guys to do we would do with 200 but at the end of the day you will only see what SKY TV etc want you to see not what is going on in the background.
mate the soldiers need their gear,including weapons,to survive themselves ffs,look its an unstable earthquake zone,with aftershocks hitting everyday!!
contrary to what you see on the tv those lads deploy onto the ground with full op kit cos they dont come back in at 5pm everyday an knock off,they stay out on the ground!! that means bivis ,sleeping bags,rations, water,ammo,an full protection!! what happens when an aftershock hits an they are deployed?? would you wanna face a large potentially hostile crowd with no protection??
youve seen what happens when an unguarded aid truck goes out,its fooking stripped bare in minutes,they are doing a job to make things safe for the aid people to get in an out!!
its not their job to feed the people,its their job to try and make the area secure!!!
its easy to knock if you are ignorant isnt it???
hey blutone read the first line of the OP,ITS NOT A DIG AT THE US ARMY! they have a protected zone around the airport for shipping in goods. my point is why are they wearing full gear which is a waste when unloading/loading vehicles in the protected area? ignorance belongs to those who cant read properly blutone3!!! i got a logical explanation already....cheers to the others!

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