US Politics Thread

I felt that even the evil Father was actually fairly sympathetic, maybe I was wrong

I don’t know about that. I remember during the Bush presidency he served under a President that said he wanted a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage.

I can’t speak on family dynamics but I don’t know how Liz can call LGBTQ people groomers without knowing she is talking about her own sister.
I don’t know about that. I remember during the Bush presidency he served under a President that said he wanted a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage.

I can’t speak on family dynamics but I don’t know how Liz can call LGBTQ people groomers without knowing she is talking about her own sister.
Maybe, just maybe….she’s talking about groomers and not the entire collective ?
True. But he's started denying any link to it in his campaign speeches. So Republicans are voting for someone who denies he's going to do what all his backers and staff have drafted up for him to do.

It's bonkers, any normal functioning political party would call this BS out and move on to someone else. But the GOP is now a cult and you just have to belive in MAGA whatever that may be.
A result of the power crazed ‘win at any cost’ US politicial-economic culture.
You can end up burning down the house.
To be fair somewhere between the cracks of the reactions made by the Trump campaign it appears they are rather concerned about the factor of campaign funds. Trumps "anti Biden" campaign likely lost him a lot of money and now thats pretty much all "lost branding", meanwhile Kamala is reported to be pulling in quite substantial campaign sums. It might just come to it that in campainging terms its far from an equal fight now, something that perhaps caught the Trump campaign completely off guard in terms of planning their spending and how they would run the campaign.

Aaaaand ... oops

Now ofcourse some random lowlife republican politicians are quick to point out such things like Kamala is dumb and Kamala was a "DEI appointment"... but whatever they are so much behind on painting a bad image of her and they have less obvious shortcommings to work on.

I guess thats what you get if you run a campaig that is not so much build on the argument that your the best option, but that the alternative is the worst.

Then reactions like these might not be too surprizing:

Latest updates puts those campaign funds at a hefty tally, 250 million $ already in online donations and major donor commitments. Bidens campaign fund stood at 90 million $ before he threw in the towel, and that sum might be added to the Harris campaign. That does look like a lot of ammunition to throw around at this point in the campaigning, to even spend it all in 4 months .. might translate in some real Harris campaign media flooding i gather.
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