US Politics Thread

To an observer like me, it’s incredible that it’s even a thing tbh. It’s unbelievable to me that any sane, rational, decent person would even countenance voting for Trump, irrespective of their politics.

It's been a long, long time coming, I believe, Since well before Trump himself. Trump has got himself into a position where he has a considerable portion of the population who feel disfranchised, left behind by global economic trends that have affected certain parts of the country heavily, in short, he is that paradoxical thing — a politician who has people convinced that he is outside politics. And as such, the only one who can speak for them. It doesn't seem to matter much to them what he does: that's beside the point, finally. He has a semi-messianic role. The very slogan “Make America Great Again” doesn't bear much analysis. If I stopped a hundred people on the street in Dayton or Des Moines and asked them to give some content to that, I really what wonder what they'd be able to give me in precise terms.
Now we can debate about it being a huge piece of sleight-of-hand all we like. Doesn't change it.
Mutatis mutandis, it is the way Le Pen and her sidekick Bardella have sold themselves to their particular constituency.
Harris will not get any of those people to change their minds and vote for her, I believe. It's whether she can get the undecideds onto her side — the young; the people who haven't voted perhaps for a long time for any candidate. The unmotivated, or the marginally motivated.
It'll be a tight call if it goes her way.

Just wow! I mean it’s hard to believe that Biden couldn’t communicate at this level which in my opinion is the bare minimum.
Hopefully, her VP pick will give her a bump. Then, there will be a convention bounce. Then, we will settle into the real meaty part of both campaigns, and BILLIONS of dollars will be spent on ads and getting out the vote!

As polls go, the Dem candidate generally has to be at least a few points up nationally to squeeze out an electoral victory, as their votes are far more concentrated in the urban areas of each state.

It’s weird irony that so much money flows into red states, yet they tout small govt and keeping it out of their lives….as long as the cheques clear and they get their govt assistance for everything from the food on their table to the proportionately larger share of medical care they use.

Murica…lots of us ain’t the sharpest tools in the shed!!
Some of my best mates are from Chicago and Minneapolis, brightest people I know, big fans of Manchester and its pubs and Holts, detest Trump. America ain't bad.

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