US Politics Thread

I tuned into a bit of Right wing Radio today to gage their reaction, it’s pure gold
“But her fe-males!!!”

Edit: I have trademarked this for merch production and licensing before any of you bastards try to steal it!
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The idiot's former communications director, Anthony Scaramucci, is backing Harris.

That’s all very well and good, but will he do the Fandango?
I didn't know much about Scaramucci, but listening to him on the Rest is Politics US podcast, I like him.
I think it'll be tight, tighter than we think. Either way, there is some hope. With Joe Biden, I'm afraid there was no hope. He had a decent mandate, accomplished many things. But he was not a candidate for the future, and not seen as such.
That's my concern.

Harris needs a clear win so Trump and his cult of MAGA cannot take the result to SCOTUS.
He has a semi-messianic role. The very slogan “Make America Great Again” doesn't bear much analysis. If I stopped a hundred people on the street in Dayton or Des Moines and asked them to give some content to that, I really what wonder what they'd be able to give me in precise terms.
They'd come up readily enough with law & order, a strong military and a preference for U.S. isolationism in foreign policy but beyond that, yes it's mostly trust in Trump. Then again, anyone who's studied the history of Fascism knows that it's easier to say what that ideology is against than what it's for, so maybe the Maga people would be more articulate listing their dislikes (hates, in some cases.)

If DT gets in again look at what he'd do with the celebration of the 250th anniversary of Independence in 2026 for a display of what his MAGA means; there'd be big tanks, big trucks, big hard hats, covered wagons, General Custer and a recounting of American history out of a 1950s high school textbook.

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