US Politics Thread

I have a feeling Putin holds nearly everyone in contempt.

Most people are just useful idiots in his eyes. And the minute you stop being useful…


It’s common to hear people say Trump is only running to stay out of jail. That’s true, but even more serious for him, is no longer being a useful asset for Putin. I’m kind of surprised he didn’t get disposed of after losing in 2020, but Jan 6th and all the insane rhetoric and actions since, are probably just about keeping him in favour with the Kremlin. If, hopefully when, he loses in November I honestly expect him to do some kind of a Robert Maxwell.
There's a photo of Biden standing in the W.H. with the families of the people released from Russian prisons, smiles all round and one young lass aglow with happiness. If the Dems' publicity department have any sense they'll give this image maximum exposure as a counter to the one of Trump Rising With Bloodied Ear.
And have Harris greet the families too.
Lets be fair when you watch history progrs they always say many who went to america was because they were persecuted in europe for their religion.

mainly as they were the most extreme amd fucked up nutjob versions, vast areas of the US are built on religious lunacy
They were the people who insisted on not having a state religion.
It’s common to hear people say Trump is only running to stay out of jail. That’s true, but even more serious for him, is no longer being a useful asset for Putin. I’m kind of surprised he didn’t get disposed of after losing in 2020, but Jan 6th and all the insane rhetoric and actions since, are probably just about keeping him in favour with the Kremlin. If, hopefully when, he loses in November I honestly expect him to do some kind of a Robert Maxwell.
He’s a coward.
It’s common to hear people say Trump is only running to stay out of jail. That’s true, but even more serious for him, is no longer being a useful asset for Putin. I’m kind of surprised he didn’t get disposed of after losing in 2020, but Jan 6th and all the insane rhetoric and actions since, are probably just about keeping him in favour with the Kremlin. If, hopefully when, he loses in November I honestly expect him to do some kind of a Robert Maxwell.
Wasnt Maxwell Killed by Mossad?
Trump getting in perhaps is less advantageous to Putin in the long term. If a smart person got control of a fascist US it could spell more trouble for other world powers. Its only grand with Trump for another few years. Who knows who comes next.

Might be better to watch on as the republican's poor loser nutjobs tear away at the US from inside and keep it hamstrung.

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