US Politics Thread

Broadly agree about the shooting, but not about this. Think it’s perfectly plausible (although still unlikely) that Biden threw that debate. Accepted some time previously he couldn’t win and gave his number two an uncontested run at the Presidency.

The way she came off out the blocks suggests she’d been primed some time ago.

My view around conspiracy theories is mainly rooted in skepticism and is usually inversely linked to the number of people who would need to be in on it for it to be true. The Trump shooting would have required dozens, and as you say the physics don’t add up. This, however, could feasibly been a very small number, theoretically two.

The impact has been too profound, and the timing too serendipitous and expeditious to completely exclude the possibility.
My bet is that as soon as the senior guys started talking about getting Biden to step down, Harris’s team started planning. Her first speech was pitch perfect, with every point precisely made.
“We’re not going back.” was honed, worked on , polished, practised.
A brilliant start.
Broadly agree about the shooting, but not about this. Think it’s perfectly plausible (although still unlikely) that Biden threw that debate. Accepted some time previously he couldn’t win and gave his number two an uncontested run at the Presidency.

The way she came off out the blocks suggests she’d been primed some time ago.

My view around conspiracy theories is mainly rooted in skepticism and is usually inversely linked to the number of people who would need to be in on it for it to be true. The Trump shooting would have required dozens, and as you say the physics don’t add up. This, however, could feasibly been a very small number, theoretically two.

The impact has been too profound, and the timing too serendipitous and expeditious to completely exclude the possibility.
Reaches for tinfoil hat...
; )
I think you are underestimating the resolve among Democratic party leaders to keep Trump away from the White House. It isn't just political, or a power grab. They fear as many of the citizenry here do that he is a fundamental threat to democracy. Unification in the party seems at least in part based on that belief. It's as much a guarantee as there could have been that they'd fall lockstep behind her quickly.

In addition, though I am not familiar with the rules, I assume the Biden/Harris money is tappable by her and not others. Getting a campaign going from scratch would have been near impossible for challengers. In fact, I was loud in my insistence that it would be difficult even for Harris and she has proven me dead wrong so far.

As I noted before, if she was well-served by her staff and party leadership they would have been planning for this contingency anyhow given Biden's age, long before the debate. While the circumstances and rapidity of the decline in support for Biden may have taken everyone by surprise, she should have been ready to step in at any time regardless -- that's simply common sense and appropriate planning.
Absolutely spot on. As always, the obvious explanation is most likely to be the correct one. Why people insist on muddying the water with silly conspiracy theories is beyond me.
Agree her fast start might be a sign that she and Biden had cooked this up weeks ago during private chats in the W.H. But I don't really see Biden deliberately embarrassing himself with a pre-planned stumbling performance in the debate. Rather, I tend to believe that his many assertions that he would not quit were genuine and that he finally yielded to mounting pressure from senior figures in the Dem Party.

Then again I've been sold a couple of bridges over the years.
The Lord Almighty told him, so now the Dems too have God on their side. And He says America still shall have no established religion.
Two weeks?
Harold Wilson is remembered for three things: his Labrador dog Paddy, holidays in the Isles of Scilly, and saying "a week is a long time in politics."
Unlike Biden, he's also famous for saying "I know what's going on. I'm going on."

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