US Politics Thread

Haley's route to POTUS is based on Trump going to jail and she positions herself as the 2nd option. She has zero chance in the primary process but that is not the end of the road.
The polls which show erosion of support for Trump if he's convicted of a felony - which I'm going to take as conviction in the classified document case or in the federal Jan 6th case - were particularly relevant as they were exit polls of Republican caucus voters.

I agree that 30-35% of Trump's base are MAGA diehards who could care less, but that's not the entire Republican electorate.

You're free to discount the polling if you wish, but I think it's relevant.
As for what might rescue Democrats absent a Trump felony conviction... numerous factors are in play, particularly abortion. If, in swing states, Democrats are successful in getting abortion rights measures to appear on their ballots, this will have a big impact in turnout of woman voters the vast majority of whom will vote Democrat.

Although it remains to be seen how impactful the House's refusal to take up the bipartisan immigration bill passed by the Senate, one would think that the hypocrisy this action lays bare could well sway some few voters.

Then there's the repeated bullshit impeachment attempts that the House keeps trying to pull off. This behavior rankles many folks.

And on and on.

It's really amazing that the race is going to be close. Biden should win this thing by a landslide.
Its to far out for polling - there is a tsunami to go under the bridge before election day.
If Trump is Jailed and Haley becomes the nominee she wins.

However I see both houses being controlled by the Dems.
Do you think MAGA is going to support Haley, or stay home (or write in Trump?) Or maybe Trump runs as a third party candidate from his jail cell, or endorses a proxy. She can win independents I guess but without the MAGA base I don't think she has much of a chance vs. Biden.
Do you think MAGA is going to support Haley, or stay home (or write in Trump?) Or maybe Trump runs as a third party candidate from his jail cell, or endorses a proxy. She can win independents I guess but without the MAGA base I don't think she has much of a chance vs. Biden.
I think they'll stay at home.

Hayley will win. Biden would beat the Mango Mussolini but she will defeat him purely on coming across younger.
I think they'll stay at home.

Hayley will win. Biden would beat the Mango Mussolini but she will defeat him purely on coming across younger.
Well, she isn't getting Democrats and she's said she'd pardon Trump so that isn't going to go over well with independents who view him unfavo(u)rably. She'll have to kowtow to the base to get them to show up which will turn off some independents too. What could happen is Democrats stay home without Trump to vote against. Once again, the critical issue in any scenario is blue turnout.
I agree that 90-95% of Trump's base are MAGA diehards



Don't expect logical ethical decisions from that lot. Their #1 mission in life is to OWN THE LIBS - fuck the constitution, fuck democracy, fuck America, fuck common sense, fuck decency!

Just think about it.. why would 74 million people vote for a Russian puppet? It's about hurting the people they hate most - libs!

If Trump is Jailed and Haley becomes the nominee she wins.

However I see both houses being controlled by the Dems.

You're missing something.

If Trump is elected.. he is POTUS and can pardon himself. He will be the MAGA nominee in November jailed or not.
You're missing something.

If Trump is elected.. he is POTUS and can pardon himself. He will be the MAGA nominee in November jailed or not.

He'll definitely try it. But it's not confirmed whether you can pardon yourself. The main school of thought is that presidents can't do that.

Logically if he was barred from office he couldn't obtain the powers of the office to then pardon himself. But if he has enough power and backing that won't count for much in the real world.
He'll definitely try it. But it's not confirmed whether you can pardon yourself. The main school of thought is that presidents can't do that.

Logically if he was barred from office he couldn't obtain the powers of the office to then pardon himself. But if he has enough power and backing that won't count for much in the real world.
The self-pardon was confirmed as an available option during the Nixon era (including pre-emptive pardoning), but no one (including Nixon) thought there'd be any political capital and he would have been impeached anyhow. The option was he'd pardon himself and then resign. By the end Nixon assumed he'd likely be going to jail. He remarked that some of the best political writing of the era had been done in jail (he meant Gandhi, not Hitler). He had no sense nor idea that Ford would pardon him. But as craven, paranoid and morally-broken as Nixon was, Trump is on a whole different plane -- who he hurts, how he's thought of by history and the mark he makes on American society is irrelevant to him. That wasn't true of Nixon.
The self-pardon was confirmed as an available option during the Nixon era (including pre-emptive pardoning), but no one (including Nixon) thought there'd be any political capital and he would have been impeached anyhow. The option was he'd pardon himself and then resign. By the end Nixon assumed he'd likely be going to jail. He remarked that some of the best political writing of the era had been done in jail (he meant Gandhi, not Hitler). He had no sense nor idea that Ford would pardon him. But as craven, paranoid and morally-broken as Nixon was, Trump is on a whole different plane -- who he hurts, how he's thought of by history and the mark he makes on American society is irrelevant to him.

It's not confirmed until there's a test case. Obviously Trump wouldn't resign so it would face far greater political pushback even if it was legal.

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