US Politics Thread

A different man on his rally last night. Came across and vibrant and determined.

Maybe he needs a crowd to riff off? He made a couple of mistakes and owned them and ripped into Trump into a way I've not seen him do before.

Old folk with dementia have good days and bad days, until it completely takes over

I don't vote right...

Anyway I agree with plenty of what you say. All I said is i don't believe he is a "decent" guy, that's all. There's plenty in his history to make me think that (not the diary) and I won't change my mind on that. He's been handled with kid gloves by a lot of the mainstream media over the years when there's plenty they've swept under the carpet when others wouldn't get that. Anyway people are dwelling on the diary thing, it was just something I pointed out. At the end of the day people and the media sunk their teeth into Trump talking about grabbing women by the pussy and that's fair enough. but hardly peep about Biden's daughter saying he took inappropriate showers with her on a page talking about being molested and her issues and things like that. If that was Trump's daughter, you know it would be all over the media and don't say it wouldn't be because you are completely lying and/or in denial if you think it wouldn't be. I'd have little respect for anyone who dares to pretend it wouldn't be. It doesn't make me a Biden hater or Trump lover, I'm neither, I just see things for what they are.

Biden has been deteriorating since before the last election, the signs were there, many pointed it out. But it's been denied and denied, people saying Right wing people are making it up and the media glossing over it and now it's got the point where there's an old man on stage losing his faculties and becoming a laughing stock all over the world when its not actually funny. It should have been taken more seriously when anybody without a biased view could see it. The people around him must have been seeing it.

My point has always been people think in a binary way, everything has to be one or the other, so just because they dislike Trump it makes Biden's character untouchable, or vice versa. Essentially brainwashed to think one way or the other to the point of being demented about it.

I'm not quite sure Kamala Harris would make a good president but I'll save that for a conversation when it happens. Then again, she has to be better than a guy looking like he'd more likely be in a care home in 4 years, not seeing out another term.
I agree with some of what you say.

Yet I vehemently disagree with you that BIden isn't a "decent" guy.

Every person has weak points in their life. Biden is no different. If you want to build the case against Biden being a decent guy, you should attack his handling of Anita Hills' accusations against Clarence Thomas.

I try to be open minded. For example, I very much admire the very Right leaning Liz Cheney. She's adopted many unpalatable positions in her career - and yet, as life goes on, she learns, changes, and takes up completely new, and often contrary, positions based on what she believes. My admiration for Liz is in spite of the Left's continued dislike of her.

To be honest I doubt the sincerity expressed in the post quoted above. You brought up the pedophila charage against Biden - when critical thinking and complete lack of supporting evidence other than a brief missive in his daughter's diary while clearly in a confused state of mind indicates your willingness to promote unsubstantiated, far Right talking points.
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Stuttering is not the same as forgetting people's names tho. And talking gibberish. It's a concern that his performances will lose him votes is it not?
He's occasionally mixing up the odd word or name whilst he's trying not to stutter. It's something he's done all his political career The media are jumping on him every single time, whilst simultaneously ignoring the other guys rambling, constant word salad. There is only one guy talking gibberish and it isn't Biden.

I don't vote right...

Anyway I agree with plenty of what you say. All I said is i don't believe he is a "decent" guy, that's all. There's plenty in his history to make me think that (not the diary) and I won't change my mind on that. He's been handled with kid gloves by a lot of the mainstream media over the years when there's plenty they've swept under the carpet when others wouldn't get that. Anyway people are dwelling on the diary thing, it was just something I pointed out. At the end of the day people and the media sunk their teeth into Trump talking about grabbing women by the pussy and that's fair enough. but hardly peep about Biden's daughter saying he took inappropriate showers with her on a page talking about being molested and her issues and things like that. If that was Trump's daughter, you know it would be all over the media and don't say it wouldn't be because you are completely lying and/or in denial if you think it wouldn't be. I'd have little respect for anyone who dares to pretend it wouldn't be. It doesn't make me a Biden hater or Trump lover, I'm neither, I just see things for what they are.

Biden has been deteriorating since before the last election, the signs were there, many pointed it out. But it's been denied and denied, people saying Right wing people are making it up and the media glossing over it and now it's got the point where there's an old man on stage losing his faculties and becoming a laughing stock all over the world when its not actually funny. It should have been taken more seriously when anybody without a biased view could see it. The people around him must have been seeing it.

My point has always been people think in a binary way, everything has to be one or the other, so just because they dislike Trump it makes Biden's character untouchable, or vice versa. Essentially brainwashed to think one way or the other to the point of being demented about it.

I'm not quite sure Kamala Harris would make a good president but I'll save that for a conversation when it happens. Then again, she has to be better than a guy looking like he'd more likely be in a care home in 4 years, not seeing out another term.
Fuck me are you still on about that diary , your hatred for biden is off the scale . When are you going to come out as a trump supporter
He's occasionally mixing up the odd word or name whilst he's trying not to stutter. It's something he's done all his political career The media are jumping on him every single time, whilst simultaneously ignoring the other guys rambling, constant word salad. There is only one guy talking gibberish and it isn't Biden.
You might be right, I pretty much agree with you, but it doesn’t matter what you and me think.

I don't vote right...
I don’t believe you. And, to quote you, “and don't say it wouldn't be because you are completely lying and/or in denial.”

What’s good for the goose, etc.

At the end of the day people and the media sunk their teeth into Trump talking about grabbing women by the pussy and that's fair enough. but hardly peep about Biden's daughter saying he took inappropriate showers with her on a page talking about being molested and her issues and things like that. If that was Trump's daughter, you know it would be all over the media and don't say it wouldn't be because you are completely lying and/or in denial if you think it wouldn't be. I'd have little respect for anyone who dares to pretend it wouldn't be. It doesn't make me a Biden hater or Trump lover, I'm neither, I just see things for what they are.
Did you ever stop to think about why they might be treated differently? Between a quote on tape from a presidential candidate and the musings of a teenage girl in her diary? Do have a single clue how responsible reporters and media operate?

No. You don’t.
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If the voters were being realistic about prospective criteria, Trump would be lucky to get any votes at all irrespective of the Dem nominee. Unfortunately it’s all about perception rather than reality for far too many people.

I am utterly convinced that the same people who voted for Trump and elected him president, and who turned out and tried to re-elect him president — those exact same people, with maybe additional reinforcements, will turn out again in November. They barely seem to care what Trump may be guilty of, they barely seem to care that his discourse is incoherent, often absurd, often full of lies. Some of them may even like him for it. It doesn't matter to them. As you say, it is their perception of him that counts, not the world's. The only thing standing between him being re-elected is if enough Democrat voters, and then a significant reinforcement of the waverers and the habitual non-voters, turn out. In order for that to happen, they have to have a credible candidate. Is it Biden? Maybe. Some prominent Democrats, people who've voted for the party for decades, who've repeatedly been involved in fund-raising activities for the party for decades, people who cannot seriously be accused of simply being manipulated by Fox News etc, don't seem to so sure. I have no dog in this fight. I really don't.

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