US Politics Thread

Polls mean fuck all, just a snapshot of mood. Look at the Lichtman keys. Trump also underperformed his primaries by 15%, whilst Biden/Harris out performed by similar margin. Possible 15% undecideds and a group of them on MSMBC after tango Mussolini's speech were not impressed. Harris should be able to get more of the young vote out too. All in all good provided it's a coronation of KH. I'm going with Professor Lichtman
Who do you think can deliver? Who's your money on?
Oof, good question. I think it'll ultimately be a boring, non-controversial white guy. So I could very quickly eat my own words because Shapiro fits that bill. The 2 that seem to be picking up steam are the governors of Kentucky (Andy Bashear) and North Carolina (Roy Cooper). Also Mark Kelly from Arizona. They're all fairly centrist and have won in Republican leaning or "purple" states which should theoretically help in the battleground states.

I can't see them pairing someone from the same state (California, so Newsome or someone of that ilk) or - and as stupid as this sounds and I absolutely hate that this may play into it - another woman (Whitmer), someone of color (Wes Moore from Baltimore who received some fanfare after the bridge fiasco) or Buttigieg, because he is gay and unfortunately doesn't poll well with some key demographics the dems will need to win. Which is a bummer because I'd prefer someone younger and exciting with good ideas, which I think Moore and Buttigieg generally are.
I wonder what the shit gibbon and his corporate media buddies think now?
Can his cognitive abilities stretch to rearranging the following.
Other the is foot shoe on the
Oof, good question. I think it'll ultimately be a boring, non-controversial white guy. So I could very quickly eat my own words because Shapiro fits that bill. The 2 that seem to be picking up steam are the governors of Kentucky (Andy Bashear) and North Carolina (Roy Cooper). Also Mark Kelly from Arizona. They're all fairly centrist and have won in Republican leaning or "purple" states which should theoretically help in the battleground states.

I can't see them pairing someone from the same state (California, so Newsome or someone of that ilk) or - and as stupid as this sounds and I absolutely hate that this may play into it - another woman (Whitmer), someone of color (Wes Moore from Baltimore who received some fanfare after the bridge fiasco) or Buttigieg, because he is gay and unfortunately doesn't poll well with some key demographics the dems will need to win. Which is a bummer because I'd prefer someone younger and exciting with good ideas, which I think Moore and Buttigieg generally are.
Buttigieg, whilst very good with his mouth (:)) would be too much for the Country to deal with, personally I think he’s one of the most eloquent and well rounded people out there, but to add gay to coloured would literally pop most people’s minds.
Buttigieg, whilst very good with his mouth (:)) would be too much for the Country to deal with, personally I think he’s one of the most eloquent and well rounded people out there, but to add gay to coloured would literally pop most people’s minds.
I agree, unfortunately :/
Republicans saying Biden should step down now. I wonder if that wouldn't be a good idea for the Democrats. Harris may be more likely to be elected if people have had months of being used to her as president already.

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