US Politics Thread

Biden was still a candidate then. If people assume Harris will get the nomination, a 1v1 poll might give an entirely different result.

That and I don’t think any polling now is particularly meaningful anyway, needs a few weeks of Harris openly running and being under that scrutiny and then see where the polling sits.
I can’t, and wouldn’t, argue with your assessment of Blinken on the world stage, but he’s not a retail politician or seemingly a Beltway deal maker.

He’d make a great authoritarian leader, because he seems smart, but without malice, but being President in the US is about managing the externals from the Oval (Blinken would be great!) but managing the internals on Capitol Hill and on TV (Blinken appears to not be great at all!).

I would bet your a dime to a dollar that 90% of “on the street” Americans could not name Blinken if you showed them a picture (recall) or even find him in a line-up (recognition)! That’d make an election difficult.

That’s really interesting - amongst politicos outside the U.S. he’s probably the most well known figure who isn’t Trump, Biden or Harris.

Really well respected by many people here in the UK. Comes across as “the grownup in the room” when much of American politics is seen as very crass.
Basically the failed Swedish model where they make schools compete for parents' vouchers. But you can just imagine the sorts of schools that might pop up in the US under this scheme. And before long, no doubt complete corporate control of the education system like they already have with healthcare.
Things seem to be moving quickly to support kamela, but why is obama yet to endorse her ? Curious

He generates reflective racism and steals media oxygen. He is also much, much better operating outside the glare of the media spotlight, unless and until he decides it’s advantageous to use it.

Many believe Obama helped fuel what Trump became, because the Right’s story of the Obama presidency is colored by racist tropes (pun intended).

I think Obama doesn’t need to help the Right draw those parallels. Ironically, even though Harris is Indian-Jamaican-American woman, whereas Obama was Kenyan-American man, the racist trope is simply “She black!”

Now, throw in the Right’s hate of any woman not chained to a kitchen sink, with one in the oven and three snapping at her heels, and it becomes “She a black woman! Who she think she is tryin’ to be our Pres-i-dent?!”
That’s really interesting - amongst politicos outside the U.S. he’s probably the most well known figure who isn’t Trump, Biden or Harris.

Really well respected by many people here in the UK. Comes across as “the grownup in the room” when much of American politics is seen as very crass.
He's been tying himself in knots over support for Israel.
Basically the failed Swedish model where they make schools compete for parents' vouchers. But you can just imagine the sorts of schools that might pop up in the US under this scheme. And before long, no doubt complete corporate control of the education system like they already have with healthcare.
Far more dangerous than that is:

1) The death of choice for the underprivileged, who will be denied access.

2) The Christian Nationalist curriculum that will become the norm.

The education system will be used to undercut equality in education, which is a failing goal already and should be addressed not exacerbated, and generate an ever-widening Christian Nationalist “educated” (gilded) class and an even broader, poor white and minority underclass.

This will be done by taking current tax dollars proscribed for education (thus, The State) and funneling them to private (religious) institutions.

This is/was considered UNCONSTITUTIONAL, but if challenged under this SCOTUS, will be affirmed, and thus codified into American law!

Therefore, they’ll have created a work around to the “separation of church and state” (which is actually a paraphrase meaning something else, in reality) and will elicit a whole series of religion-based initiatives using government monies…with CHRISTIANITY being the (almost?) sole beneficiary of such actions.

Alabama just passed a law saying the Ten Commandments has to be displayed in every classroom. This has already elicited a lawsuit by 7 parents. This fight will end up at SCOTUS soon and “Voila!” they’ll have their SCOTUS ruling on church and state.

It’s hard to believe this current SCOTUS will not uphold the Alabama ruling, probably by saying the State is free to do as they please, as long as they don’t use federal dollars, or some such bollocks!

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