US Politics Thread

Maybe. But he's an egotist above all else, and if she continues to goad that ego may force him into a very silly decision.
Hope you’re right mate. Based on that showing, she’ll eviscerate him.

Biden’s apparent accelerating mental decline has taken the spotlight off Trump’s, which is manifest. He is clearly losing the plot. Anyone who can’t see this is blind.

No one can chat that amount of shit and not be fucked in the head.
He has already said he won't it seems - he probably doesn't but his people know that within 15mins he'd be on the floor wobbling like a jellyfish
Or he'd lose it in his rage and try what he tried on Hilary Clinton in their debate, move in on her menacingly. Clinton said she wished she'd told him "Back off, you creep", Harris would do that and more.
Alabama just passed a law saying the Ten Commandments has to be displayed in every classroom. This has already elicited a lawsuit by 7 parents. This fight will end up at SCOTUS soon and “Voila!” they’ll have their SCOTUS ruling on church and state.

I find displaying the 10 commandments, one of which being Thou shall not kill, in schools in a state that has the death penalty to be quite humorous.

That's before you get into the rest of the commandments Trump has broken and that most in that state see him as an idol.

It's as if followers of religion don't really believe in it, and it's merely a vehicle for their own bigotry and hate.
No way has she not been planning for this for many weeks. Brilliant delivery.
She came across very well.

Both Mrs Vienna and I were impressed; someone, who can speak like that is just what the Democrats needed.

If she goads the idiot enough, he will eventually bite and show his true colours.
Far more dangerous than that is:

1) The death of choice for the underprivileged, who will be denied access.

2) The Christian Nationalist curriculum that will become the norm.

The education system will be used to undercut equality in education, which is a failing goal already and should be addressed not exacerbated, and generate an ever-widening Christian Nationalist “educated” (gilded) class and an even broader, poor white and minority underclass.

This will be done by taking current tax dollars proscribed for education (thus, The State) and funneling them to private (religious) institutions.

This is/was considered UNCONSTITUTIONAL, but if challenged under this SCOTUS, will be affirmed, and thus codified into American law!

Therefore, they’ll have created a work around to the “separation of church and state” (which is actually a paraphrase meaning something else, in reality) and will elicit a whole series of religion-based initiatives using government monies…with CHRISTIANITY being the (almost?) sole beneficiary of such actions.

Alabama just passed a law saying the Ten Commandments has to be displayed in every classroom. This has already elicited a lawsuit by 7 parents. This fight will end up at SCOTUS soon and “Voila!” they’ll have their SCOTUS ruling on church and state.

It’s hard to believe this current SCOTUS will not uphold the Alabama ruling, probably by saying the State is free to do as they please, as long as they don’t use federal dollars, or some such bollocks!
Well yeah, America always finds a way to take a shit idea and make it ten times worse.

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