US Politics Thread

I'm utterly convinced that for a lot of Democrat voters it was more an over-my-dead-body anti-Trump vote than anything else.
I would wager that was the case for the majority of voters that cast their ballot for Biden. And I don’t think Biden or the Democratic Party were under any delusion otherwise.

It was, in my opinion, the absolutely correct thing to do, given the worst that would likely happen with Biden was having an ineffectual president that would be chucked out in four years (even though he actually turned out to be a pretty effectual president), whilst the best that would likely happen with Trump is the continued undermining of democratic institutions, weakening of US-Europe relations and supports, strengthening of US support of authoritarian regimes around the world, and a refusal to accept leaving office or allowing a peaceful transfer of power at the end of his second term.

As much as some would say it was a choice between two bad candidates, that is only real true if you are comparing both candidates to the ideal president (which the US has never actually had). If you actually undertake a reasonable comparative analysis of the two candidates, there was only one bad candidate.
How does that explain how the effervescent Joe Biden got in? I agree with you to a point it's more about a cultish xfactor behaviour from a lot of voters.
The Pandemic. It affected the elections in many ways.

Many States changed rules to accommodate the effects of the pandemic. Which changed voting patterns and numbers.

Also, the pandemic meant Biden didn't have to really campaign much, which made the election wholely a referendum on Trump.

The media and Social Media also conspired to limit October surprises that might have affected Biden.

So, Biden narrowly won. But the truth is the country is heavily divided in equal parts. This thread is more representative of a blue City in America than anything else.
Harris makes it interesting but the USA should really get back, as should the UK, to concentrating on policies rather than personalities.
Any right thinking person would not vote for Trump based on his personality.

Things like these is why she will do much better than Hillary.

She only needs to do a bit better.
Any right thinking person would not vote for Trump based on his personality.

She only needs to do a bit better.
Technically, Harris doesn’t even need to do better than Clinton — she could even get fewer votes overall than Clinton did (or even Trump this election) and beat the orange fascist conman, as long as the small number of votes at the margins in the swing states fall her way.

That said, I personally want her to win the popular vote in addition to the Electoral College vote as a full repudiation of Trump and the MAGA movement.
Arguably, Kennedy was the first U.S. president to fully benefit from the tv age. It wasn't just that what he said seemed to make a lot of sense. He just looked heroic (in the American mould, obviously). Nixon just looked creepy (and had that unfortunate Desperate Dan chin shadow problem).
People who watched the JFK v. Nixon debates on television (the first ones to be shown) thought Kennedy was the clear winner.
Those who listened on the radio thought Nixon came out on top.
Technically, Harris doesn’t even need to do better than Clinton — she could even get fewer votes overall than Clinton did (or even Trump this election) and beat the orange fascist conman, as long as the small number of votes at the margins in the swing states fall her way.
I think, technically speaking, winning an election is better then losing one.
I think, technically speaking, winning an election is better then losing one.
Of course, but you said Harris only needs to do “a bit better” than Clinton, which is a relative statement regarding overall performance, and Harris could actually do “a bit worse” than Clinton did in 2016 and actually win the 2024 election.

People forget Trump only won because of the vagaries of the Electoral Collage; Clinton got 2 million more votes than him.

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