US Politics Thread

I would imagine the worst case is that Harris wins red swing states and they send unfaithful electors to Congress. The gop then needs 100% loyalty to agree fraudulent votes. That is a huge deal. Its going to trash what's left of their credibility if they can do it. And assuming they do Harris would not certify. And then it would end up at SCOTUS. If they rule in favor of the GOP again its all their credibility shot and a full constitutional crisis blatantly brought fwd by the GOP.

At that point the gloves are of and it's practically civil war. It's not a clear view to winnin. It's blatant fraud and it gives Biden grounds to use his immunity. Send in the seal team.

Doesn't time run in favour of chaos?

The electors cast their votes in early January, but it's only 2 weeks before Biden automatically ceases to be President.

I wonder what is brewing in terms of vote rigging in the actual national vote stage.
Shit like this is what worries me.

It seems a little disingenuous in that the quote has "[GET] ready to fight". If you listen to him IMO he implies that "[THE RIGHT / REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT IS] ready to fight". The first one sounds like a call to action wereas the second sounds like a pretty common statement in politics.
I would imagine the worst case is that Harris wins red swing states and they send unfaithful electors to Congress. The gop then needs 100% loyalty to agree fraudulent votes. That is a huge deal. Its going to trash what's left of their credibility if they can do it. And assuming they do Harris would not certify. And then it would end up at SCOTUS. If they rule in favor of the GOP again its all their credibility shot and a full constitutional crisis blatantly brought fwd by the GOP.

At that point the gloves are of and it's practically civil war. It's not a clear view to winnin. It's blatant fraud and it gives Biden grounds to use his immunity. Send in the seal team.
What you have described is exactly the scenario a not-so-small portion of the MAGA apartus want.

Chaos, conflict, and the fog of war is largely their strategy and if they can take that to the highest possible implementation scenario, they will gladly do so, as it favours those prepared for it and with no intention of playing by the rules or following the law, with vast resources to fight it, which is why I have emphasised the influx of tech bro, VC, and right-wing billionaire support to Trump. All of them stand to gain substantially from such dysfunction and disruption, particularly if it leads to a MAGA power grab.
So trump is running scared on the debates, surely he could take on a mere woman , given he has no respect for women i would have thought he thinks he could take her apart
I would imagine the worst case is that Harris wins red swing states and they send unfaithful electors to Congress. The gop then needs 100% loyalty to agree fraudulent votes. That is a huge deal. Its going to trash what's left of their credibility if they can do it. And assuming they do Harris would not certify. And then it would end up at SCOTUS. If they rule in favor of the GOP again its all their credibility shot and a full constitutional crisis blatantly brought fwd by the GOP.

At that point the gloves are of and it's practically civil war. It's not a clear view to winnin. It's blatant fraud and it gives Biden grounds to use his immunity. Send in the seal team.
Don’t think it’s a worst case. It’s actually a realistic scenario which could easily have worked if the senate was headed by a MAGAt. The fact that SCOTUS has given the President almost unlimited power will ironically help Biden and Harris prevent it going through. At that point all bets are off.
The actual worst case is that the Republicans win fair and square.
25 years ago my wife and I had marital counseling and I’ll be honest — it really helped. I was a better person for it and my wife and I are still enjoying each other’s company 32 years in. But to your point: 1) I tend to be self-reflective, self-critical and willing to change and that is probably a necessary condition to therapy working well and 2) like with medicine, once you’re better you should stop taking it, but therapists in my experience often want to keep you on the hook for longer than is needed.
Well yeah, obviously I'm not denying it's use for people with legitimate problems. I've been myself once and it was good. But there's this idea going around that basically everyone should be going as a routine. I'd say it's largely a symptom of the fact that so many people don't have a close community they can actually talk to about problems these days as much as anything else. Anyway, kinda off topic.

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