US Politics Thread

What a fucking stupid post. The guy offers an honestly confused reaction, and you act like a complete ****.

You're morally-defective.

I also bet you haven't read it.


I’ve had that Dax fuckwit on ignore for a long long time, looks like I’ve missed some corkers in this thread.
I thought you might be interested in this critique of Hillbilly Elegy by a scholar of the American South, and specifically Appalachian culture.

It is a very important read, in my mind, but this last bit of the interview (which took place before Vance even won his senate seat, much less was selected by Trump as his running mate) is the one I wanted to share with everyone:

Kruse: So, in some weird way, Vance actually is not some kind of phony johnny-come-lately to the Trump style of politics. Vance was there before many people, most people, kind of even recognized he was there.​
House: Absolutely. I think that’s one of the main things that I would want to put a fine line under. He, ever since Hillbilly Elegy, has always embodied Trumper ideas, even before there was such a thing.​
Kruse: So, just to return to the original contention, why does all of this make Vance and his book dangerous, as we look forward to the general election campaign against Tim Ryan in Ohio?​
House: It’s dangerous because there’s such a lack of complexity in the book in a time when the national conversation lacks more and more nuance. There’s no nuance in the book. There’s a lot that’s false and intentionally misleading, and I always think that’s really dangerous when there’s intentional misinformation being shared. And I think he’s dangerous because he embodies all of that. And it seems to me that he’s willing to do whatever it takes to rise. And I can think of nothing more dangerous in a politician than that.​
There is an argument to be made that Vance may be as dangerous as Trump—or perhaps even more dangerous—to America in the long-run scenario if they are elected to office, as he has Trump’s morally bankrupt “whatever it takes” mentality coupled with actual intelligence (perhaps sociopathy) and a far more powerful network behind him. And he would be one of the youngest VPs in US history and certainly knows how to craft a narrative to take over from Trump as his “anointed man of the people successor”.
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I thought you might be interested in this critique of Hillbilly Elegy by a scholar of the American South, and specifically Appalachian culture.

I read Hillbilly Elegy several years ago. I found it in a charity store and, as a part-time hillbilly, was intrigued by the title. I had no idea who JD Vance was, and he probably wasn't even a politician at that time. It's a well-written book, and the subject matter rings true to my experience of living in neighbouring West Virginia for 10 years. However, I was struck by the fact that he seemed to blame government assistance for trapping people in poverty. That's a contentious statement, but quite a convenient conclusion for someone who has embraced right-wing ideas.

The guy is certainly smart and his escape from an impoverished background is impressive. But that doesn't make him right or a competent politician.

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