I know, it’s pretty obvious to everyone, I hope it’s the left kicking off, looks like it’s going to be that way.
FWIW I think Trump will win and be a disaster, but also think it’s a no win situation. I think he’s going to isolate the US economically, and I foresee a lack of intervention in foreign tensions (outside of Israel) causing a lot more drama (and I think he’ll be right in doing so).
He’ll withdraw support for Ukraine, and negotiate a peace deal where everything bar Crimea is handed back, under the conditions of NATO being disbanded and Ukraine joining the EU, probably with some sort of Russian peace keepers in the Donbas.
BRICs membership will continue to grow and US government spending will be halved; these will offset each other as far as the dollar is concerned with it slightly weakening.
I think this will be better for the US, because it’s such a big country and so self sufficient I think it’ll strengthen internally but become a much smaller player internationally, with China taking up the difference, who, I believe, will be a much more responsible power.