US Politics Thread

You do understand, apart from the mass attack on the Constitution, that people have been killed due to the rantings of a mad man on Twitter?

Give me fucking strength. Freedom of speech my arse, freedom to kill is good with you. True socialist/Marxist/communist ... views they are!
Of course I understand and it is awful, Trump is a total ****, a maniac who will hopefully be subjected to the full force of the law for his misdemeanours, it is not up to Corporations to enact punishments for misdemeanours though, it should be done through the official power of the state that is brought about by democratic legitimacy.

You might also realise that why I am against corporate power is because I am a Democratic Socialist (communist for you Vic) and believe in public ownership and statism, not the oligarchy of the Corporate elite.

If people wish the corporate elite to rule their lives, meek acceptance of the removal of Trump is just the first step to corporate domination of society.
If I was an American I would find that very concerning.

As a Brit i find it very concerning, corporate power is the use of wealth to influence political decision making. Are we going to have a world run for the benefit of only the Big corporations, fuck democracy and all that, the world belongs to the wealthy, run by the wealthy for the wealthy.

I find it equally disturbing that so many of my fellow Brits acquiesce to the notion of Corporate power being above democracy. In fact i find it more than disturbing, it down right fucking scares me how many on here are happy for Corporate entities to close down politicians just because they don't like the politician in question..

I despise the EDL but would not advocate a corporation banning them from their Social media platform because there is currently no mechanism I am aware of that holds these social media corporations to account.

The Koch's already have influence in the UK through organisations like Spiked and numerous RW think tanks, there is already more than enough corporate interference in UK politics, if in the UK we allow social media platforms to act against our democracy then i am fearful about where that ends and people here are rejoicing because they don't like a lunatic with orange hair.

Maybe one day, I will come back to this and say, I told you so. By then though it could well be too late.

The funny thing about it all is that its the left in the UK who are always being accused of cancelling people, its the left who apparently want to close down speech, yet here is the resident Communist (for you Vic) railing against it.
You missed a KEY POINT: SCOTUS.

THAT is why McConnell & Trump care so much about SCOTUS! Now, if SCOTUS has declared something Constitutional, trying to write opposing legislation that will not be ruled UNConstitutional becomes significantly more difficult!

Then again, a more progressive SCOTUS might see things differently, but that would take a mass Justice extinction event at this point.

SCOTUS is solidly 6-3 Conservative right now, so even with Chief Justice Roberts’ willingness to try to ensure the most balanced bench possible under him, that only creates a 5-4 Conservative majority.

Trump may have lost the Presidency, the Senate, and failed to overturn the House Democratic majority, but as that smug **** McConnell will attest, placing 3 Federalist Society Justices and blocking Merrick Garland’s ascension has changed the United States for a generation.
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You missed a KEY POINT: SCOTUS.

THAT is why McConnell & Trump care so much about SCOTUS! Now, if SCOTUS has declared something Constitutional, trying to write opposing legislation that will not be ruled UNConstitutional becomes significantly more difficult!

Then again, a more progressive SCOTUS might see things differently, but that would take a mass Justice extinction event at this point.

SCOTUS is solidly 6-3 Conservative right now, so even with Chief Justice Roberts’ willingness to try to ensure the most balanced bench possible under him, that only creates a 5-4 Conservative majority.

Trump may have lost the Presidency, the Senate, and failed to overturn the House Democratic majority, but as that smug **** McConnell will attest, placing 3 Federalist Society Justices and blocking Merrick Garland m’s ascension has changed the United States for a generation.
You have to excuse my knowledge of American constitutional vagaries, they are alien to me. I only have a very basic understanding of what SCOTUS can and cannot do, although your post is most helpful in these matters.

How could curtailing corporate power ever be achieved under such a rigid system or are you stuck with the current levels of corporate power until time arises when there is said mass extinction event.
In fact i find it more than disturbing, it down right fucking scares me how many on here are happy for Corporate entities to close down politicians just because they don't like the politician in question.
I asked before — I’ll ask again. Please show some evidence for this, or please stop repeating it.
We'll set ourselves up to make sure that you get the accolades, unless you have to explain it and then you undo all your good work.
I’ll be honest and say I am not entirely sure what this means. But, on first reading, it seems a gentle critique of my recent contributions that leans less-than-favourable.

If so, fair enough. I think it — and other responses to my posts over the last week — is an indication I need to take more time off, as my words aren’t having the intended affect these days.

Perhaps I am too invested at this point, with too much history (and repetitive commentary) to make novel contributions. I assume my previous thoughts are known, which is not always the case. But, in turn, when I confirm them, it seems that is also not as welcome as when others do the same. Again, that may be a sign I am uniquely tiresome, in either delivery or content (or both). Or I am just not adding value, full stop. I have felt that might be the case and, between that and my health, have stayed away until recently so as to not further impair debate.

At any rate, even if this is a misreading, I think it is back to the cave for me. I can only meaningfully participate for short periods now and I am near the end of my rope again. I’ll be eagerly looking for Trump’s official ouster in 10 days and privately celebrating with the missus and little-Seb-to-be, if it happens.

Godspeed to the fellow blues living in the US who are anxiously awaiting (or acting to bring about) the transition to sane leadership.

We (and the world) certainly need it. And I hope it doesn’t come with yet more sacrifice. Though — at the risk of again undoing my good work by explaining positions I have articulated before — I am not overly optimistic right now. If it does come to that, I hope the forfeitures lead to just outcomes. It’s all we can really hope for at this point.

Hopefully we talk again on the other side of this chaos.
I’ll be honest and say I am not entirely sure what this means. But, on first reading, it seems a gentle critique of my recent contributions that leans less-than-favourable.

If so, fair enough. I think it — and other responses to my posts over the last week — is an indication I need to take more time off, as my words aren’t having the intended affect these days.

Perhaps I am too invested at this point, with too much history (and repetitive commentary) to make novel contributions. I assume my previous thoughts are known, which is not always the case. But, in turn, when I confirm them, it seems that is also not as welcome as when others do the same. Again, that may be a sign I am uniquely tiresome, in either delivery or content (or both). Or I am just not adding value, full stop. I have felt that might be the case and, between that and my health, have stayed away until recently so as to not further impair debate.

At any rate, even if this is a misreading, I think it is back to the cave for me. I can only meaningfully participate for short periods now and I am near the end of my rope again. I’ll be eagerly looking for Trump’s official ouster in 10 days and privately celebrating with the missus and little-Seb-to-be, if it happens.

Godspeed to the fellow blues living in the US who are anxiously awaiting (or acting to bring about) the transition to sane leadership.

We (and the world) certainly need it. And I hope it doesn’t come with yet more sacrifice. Though — at the risk of again undoing my good work by explaining positions I have articulated before — I am not overly optimistic right now. If it does come to that, I hope the forfeitures lead to just outcomes. It’s all we can really hope for at this point.

Hopefully we talk again on the other side of this chaos.
Seb, I haven't actually read all of your post but I shall. I just had to respond asap.
However, in no way was I criticising any aspect of your posts. It was merely a flippant comment to highlight what you were obviously saying and I hope the other posts you tagged were also in no way a criticism of any of your posts.

I feel that this thread would be far the poorer if your contributions were lost and as such I shall give myself a 24 hour posting veto. Please feel free to enforce this because I am genuinely appalled that I could in any way be responsible for you thinking bad of yourself.
I will watch on with interest but don't under any circumstances let any bollocks that I post influence your contributions.

See you in a day or so. x
You missed a KEY POINT: SCOTUS.

THAT is why McConnell & Trump care so much about SCOTUS! Now, if SCOTUS has declared something Constitutional, trying to write opposing legislation that will not be ruled UNConstitutional becomes significantly more difficult!

Then again, a more progressive SCOTUS might see things differently, but that would take a mass Justice extinction event at this point.

SCOTUS is solidly 6-3 Conservative right now, so even with Chief Justice Roberts’ willingness to try to ensure the most balanced bench possible under him, that only creates a 5-4 Conservative majority.

Trump may have lost the Presidency, the Senate, and failed to overturn the House Democratic majority, but as that smug **** McConnell will attest, placing 3 Federalist Society Justices and blocking Merrick Garland m’s ascension has changed the United States for a generation.
Under normal circumstances I would never support 11 on the bench but after the Garland stall/Barrett acceleration — the height of Republican hypocrisy — I am all for expanding the court by two members.
Of course I understand and it is awful, Trump is a total ****, a maniac who will hopefully be subjected to the full force of the law for his misdemeanours, it is not up to Corporations to enact punishments for misdemeanours though, it should be done through the official power of the state that is brought about by democratic legitimacy.

You might also realise that why I am against corporate power is because I am a Democratic Socialist (communist for you Vic) and believe in public ownership and statism, not the oligarchy of the Corporate elite.

If people wish the corporate elite to rule their lives, meek acceptance of the removal of Trump is just the first step to corporate domination of society.
First step? Where have you been for the last century and a half?

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