US Politics Thread

Your entire nation fucks sheep and the only important thing to ever happen there was three movies made for nerds. Literally. It was like 18% of your GDP the two years they were filming. No one on earth knows the difference between Aussies and Kiwis, and it wouldn’t matter if we did, because no one would care, same as your national flag, which no one can distinguish from Australia’s. I mean being a backwards country is one thing, but being the woman of another backwards country is really bottom of the barrel. The only places with more earthquakes than here is New Zealand and Japan, only Japan and California are actually relevant in the world economy, so once the 9.0 reduces Kiwisheepfuckistan to rubble no one will miss a beat. I understand when Australia was a penal colony, the felons made sure the pedos were sent to New Zealand. Literally irrelevant and effectively pointless in every way globally. Should still be a colony only even the British didn’t think it was worth the time or energy to keep going there to subdue sheep. I looked up “most famous person from New Zealand” on Google and there was a picture of some pituitary-gland case dressed in all black holding an oversized American football. And he was fucking a sheep. Actually, it’s Edmund Hillary, and there was picture of HIM fucking a sheep. A guy who’d be frozen in a cave in Nepal at 24,000 feet without his Sherpa. Well done, New Zealand. Anyhow, thank god you never leave nor let anyone in — mixing with humans after 20 generations spent sheep-fucking could definitely lead to some complicated genetic mutations.

Oh, and :).

As I said — if it happens to you, you’ll be singing a different tune.
Bit harsh on us kiwis, don't knock shagging sheep till you've tried it.

We have PR here too which fortunately gave us Jacinda as PM. Although due to the rise in influence of Trumpian and Boris style politics (as well as the christian taliban) on the right I don't expect her to win the next election.
Hey Sammy, you still self-flagellate while obsessing about Trump?
Bet you feel silly now given that testimony, whoever the fuck you are?

Edit. Oh I’ve just remembered, you’re that twunt that made an absolute arse of themselves on election night and despite repeated quoting by me, hid from posting on the forum for six months despite logging on and lurking regularly. Fucking lol, what a complete slapped arse.

Do you remember posting:

“Tik tok Sam tik tok xx”

Little did we know it was a countdown to you fucking off in embarrassment.
Nothing can be done because of the 1st Amendment.

Fox News, Murdoch and now sites on the internet have hid behind it/used to it to brainwash millions.

However it takes a particularly stupid person not to question obvious lies and therefore America needs to look at its school system; millions upon millions of idiots spewed out of it.
I think that something could be done about it along the lines that many media outlets are already doing themselves, albeit on an ad-hoc basis. And this could be done in a way that's constitutional. Given the partisan divide in the USA though, this sort of regulation won't be forthcoming anytime soon.
In a normal society Trump would be fucked.

However, the political temperature in the US isn't anywhere near normal.
Reposting this video from above. It shows what numerous Trump voters think about the 1/6 hearings. They're part a secular cult whose members can't be reasoned with.

I'm with Mat on this one. I think Trump survives the hearings and that he'll probably run for President in 2024.
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Hey, after today, is Trump Derangement Syndrome FINALLY going to be applied properly to the MAN rather than leveled as an insult by the stupid con-victim motherfuckers who used it as a term to insult Never Trumpers? Who, by the way, were right all fucking along?
Only thing to save us from "Trump 2024" will be if Putin releases the tapes of Donald with that 13 year old in a Moscow hotel room ten years ago.

Oh, and lay off NZ, please, best pies in the world!
Hey, after today, is Trump Derangement Syndrome FINALLY going to be applied properly to the MAN rather than leveled as an insult by the stupid con-victim motherfuckers who used it as a term to insult Never Trumpers? Who, by the way, were right all fucking along?

The e-mail lady says 'hi'.

Bit harsh on us kiwis, don't knock shagging sheep till you've tried it.

We have PR here too which fortunately gave us Jacinda as PM. Although due to the rise in influence of Trumpian and Boris style politics (as well as the christian taliban) on the right I don't expect her to win the next election.
I didn't think the making of three movies by Peter Jackson was that important as well and we had to read the books in school as well.

Sheep are far more important especially to other sheep and the human race.

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