Apparently Russia has 20,000 of Hillary’s ‘private’ emails, and they might release them.
One can only hope.
If Russia does have a bargaining hold over Hillary, perhaps they might be able to prevent WWIII, especially if the emails contain damaging revelations. Perhaps the Russians could bring pressure to bear that might restrain Hillary from following the lunatic provocations advocated by the Neocon psychos in the State Department and their Tel Aviv controllers. Edward Snowden revealed that Israel receives all NSA intercepts unredacted, so their is no doubt at least one foreign state definitely has full access to the emails. Russia’s possession of them might act as a counter balance.
BTW, I’m not sure that the people of the USA will have anything to do with her election as President. The oligarchs and Deep State have decided on their favoured puppet, and the people of the USA will watch the theatre that is ‘American democracy’, but will have no voice in the outcome.