Useful Tips for Samy Weekend???

Kylieylee said:
sdavros said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Kylieylee said:

Good advise, somehow i wanted you to carry on with the story!!

You forgot one Thing??? Protection....!!! its vital you have a gun incase her bf walks.

Shamefully, I forgot that, K, although i would have taken it as read.

Remeber I said to do at your own place so no bf is going to turn up.

Another piece of advice, too, Samy. On the night, tell her about some engagement you have the following morning, even if it's fictional.

You probably won't want her hanging around for too long. Even if you like her and make a date, it's nice not to overdo things.

alternatively.. gather together 50 quid.. don't wash anything.. get a prossy and bang her up the trap door down a lane.. same result

if you cant respect the girl at least respect yourself lad!!!

i was just giving him an alternative lassy, to that soppy load of shite dave posted. a lot easier and probably less expensive. whatever floats Samy's boat really.
It isn't the same result at all, matey.

There is a huge buzz/ego boost in pulling a nice lady and then giving her pleasure. With the possibility of future business if all goes well.

Totally different thing. I've never paid for it and can't see the attraction at all.
Didsbury Dave said:
It isn't the same result at all, matey.

There is a huge buzz/ego boost in pulling a nice lady and then giving her pleasure. With the possibility of future business if all goes well.

Totally different thing. I've never paid for it and can't see the attraction at all.

neither have I and it looks like you've forgotten to take your sense of humour medication this morning.

someone has to try and throw a bit of business their way in the recession
Point taken sdavros...I'm just trying to keep young samy on the straight and narrow here.

I just don't want young samy to pick up on some bad advice and end up with a limp old chap, an irritatated "pro" and a sexual hangup which will take years to clear...

Final piece of advice for you samy. You are obviously lacking in confidence a bit. We've all been there, don't worry about that.

I don't know how handsome you are, but aim fairly low (ie, a bit less good looking than yourself) at first and work upmarket as you get some practice. You may be surprised how well you do given time.

Don't go firing cheesy shit-eating grins at some high class model type who tells you to fuck off. That will ruin your confidence.
Didsbury Dave said:
Point taken sdavros...I'm just trying to keep young samy on the straight and narrow here.

I just don't want young samy to pick up on some bad advice and end up with a limp old chap, an irritatated "pro" and a sexual hangup which will take years to clear...

Final piece of advice for you samy. You are obviously lacking in confidence a bit. We've all been there, don't worry about that.

I don't know how handsome you are, but aim fairly low (ie, a bit less good looking than yourself) at first and work upmarket as you get some practice. You may be surprised how well you do given time.

Don't go firing cheesy shit-eating grins at some high class model type who tells you to fuck off. That will ruin your confidence.

Bluemoons very own love Guru
Didsbury Dave:


As i know you samy dont ask them your usual first question of which team do you support and theres enough talent in ur workplace to practice your moves just be careful on who you practice them on !

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