Using Mobiles Whilst Driving #%×*heads...

Not in the same ball park as being pissed though is it

I've witnessed a 4x4 driver on their phone slam their vehicle into a grass bank, recover, and drive off as if nothing had happened.

I've seen a car driver with a phone to their ear enter the motorway from the slip road, cross all three lanes, slam into the central reservation barrier, recover, and drive off like nothing happened.

Maybe the drivers I have witnessed over the years with phones to their ears doing stupid things on the roads have all been pissed as well? I don't know, but enough studies have shown that driving while on the phone is just as bad as driving under the influence.

Too many people needlessly die on our roads because of impatience, drink, and 'essential' phone calls.

I don't want to be killed by someone calling home to make sure their dog has been fed any more than you do, and hopefully, the new penalties will bring home just how dangerous it is to be chatting on the phone while driving.

It is in exactly the same ball park as driving when you are pissed, and there are more than enough bereaved families that will attest to that.
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He said talking on a handsfree device is not the same as being pissed.
He's right. Just like listening to the radio and singing along is not the same as being pissed.
Both deserve the death penalty though.
About a year ago, I was standing at a crossing, waiting for the light to change. I saw that it was going to change to red, but I also saw a big four wheel drive Chelsea tractor type vehicle barreling up to the lights. When it changed, theoretically allowing me to cross as the pedestrian, I didn't move. Sure enough, he just went barreling straight through a red. I don't mean it had just changed – it was red, and had been for at least five or more seconds. I got a clear profile view of the driver as he went past (it was a man). Sure enough, he had a fucking mobile glued to his ear. It's simple: I would have been dead.
I loathe these people. They should be got out of their car, cuffed on the spot and carted off for a night or two in a cell. This is a question of life or death. There is no justification whatsoever for it.
I've witnessed a 4x4 driver on their phone slam their vehicle into a grass bank, recover, and drive off as if nothing had happened.

I've seen a car driver with a phone to their ear enter the motorway from the slip road, cross all three lanes, slam into the central reservation barrier, recover, and drive off like nothing happened.

Maybe the drivers I have witnessed over the years with phones to their ears doing stupid things on the roads have all been pissed as well? I don't know, but enough studies have shown that driving while on the phone is just as bad as driving under the influence.

Too many people needlessly die on our roads because of impatience, drink, and 'essential' phone calls.

I don't want to be killed by someone calling home to make sure their dog has been fed any more than you do, and hopefully, the new penalties will bring home just how dangerous it is to be chatting on the phone while driving.

It is in exactly the same ball park as driving when you are pissed, and there are more than enough bereaved families that will attest to that.

Bollocks I'm afraid fella. They are not the same and never will be. You need to apply some logic
Went mental at a cab driver at the weekend for doing it. Was in the car with my mate and their 2 year old kid and he answers his phone to his daughter

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