Seriously, what more evidence do we need? Is this not yet another case where Riley and his bent mates stick the proverbial two-fingers up at us whilst simultaneously robbing us of our money?
It's fucking demoralising, that's what it is.
I'll bet most of us have loved the sport since we were old enough to get a basic understanding of what the game was all about. We've all at one time or another played in the streets or on the local playing fields, stayed up late to watch MotD, collected stickers and cards etc, organised our whole lives in order to watch/play the game.
Yeah, jumpers for goalposts, all of that. Avidly reading 'Shoot' and any other football-related magazine from back in the day.
Football was our lives: we ate, drank and talked football whenever we were awake, and probably dreamed of scoring the winner in an FA Cup Final in our sleep.
But now look at what has become of our game. Look what these faceless men in suits have done to the honesty and integrity of our national sport - stolen it and sold it to the highest bidder. Took them a good few years, but they've finally achieved what they wanted all along...stuffed their pockets with our money and Royally fucked us over in the process.
That's why I say demoralising: because that's exactly the effect these bastards have had on all of us that love the game.