Well-Known Member
The Fat el Hombre said:GStar said:Brown rice
Brown Bread
Wholemeal pasta
Baked Potato
even lentils, beans etc
Careful with some of these if you don't wanna put on weight cos they are quite high on the insulin index
A cheat emal once or twice a week is ok, I mean, I ain't gonna turn my nose up to a curry or if I'm out for a meal with the family. You should not be snacking on shit though considering you should be aiming to eat evry two hours
I heard a quote once that said, if i eat 6 meals a day, thats 42 meals a week... if i eat 40 healthy meals a week 2 cheats are going to make any difference.
I think if you cut out too much food your diet becomes just as restricted as if your casting for "Supersize Me". Ideally humans should eat organic meat and veg... it what we were originally designed to eat.. add to that grains like rice, wheat, oats, corn etc to me eating food that hasn't been preprepared or had any kind of chemicals added to it, is the healthiest way.
I'd also argue that you could eat every 3-4 hours and have the same effect of eating every 2.