Vote for our kits as best this season vote open til Sunday.

Re: Best Kit in the league comp.


that is an absolute abortion of a shirt. sorry mate, good effort but would you be proud if we ran out in a derby wearing that??
Re: Best Kit in the league comp.

citykev28 said:

that is an absolute abortion of a shirt. sorry mate, good effort but would you be proud if we ran out in a derby wearing that??[/quote]

needs a camel train running around the hem line
Re: Best Kit in the league comp.

Come on we need to start voting in droves again now the G.A.Y's have got us down to 50.4% and you should see some of the shit they are on there writing, stuff like:

"El Grande Massive said,
This is a massively big-time chance to pick up some silverware here. Now the floodlights are gone and we’re at Eastlands we’ve got to take what we can get!"


"Hazel Grove said,
have any of the city fans on here seen their team win anything ? what an absolute joke of a club ahah ask anyone worldwide about football in manchester and they say “united” no one even knows who city are that is how insignificant you are"


"Stockport Massive said,
Come on lads lets show them Rags.Win this one and I reckon we might sell out (might have to do a “buy a shirt get 5 free tickets offer”,just to make sure!)……my ‘tache is tingling at the thought of it !!"

Come on Blues lets show em and get Voting.
Just a reminder here is the link.
Re: Best Kit in the league comp.

We are now losing which means that Blackburns kits are winning which also means that as a result all the Rags/G.A.Y's are winning aswell because it's them voting against us.

Please blues go on the site posted above and get voting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can someone that goes onto the other City Forums please spread the word. I would do it myself but this is the only one I go on.
Re: Best Kit in the league comp.

Come on spread the word and encourage peeps to vote
Re: Best Kit in the league comp.

49% vs 51%

Ah well sure. It's nice to see who really is bitter about everything though. What's that they say about true colours and all that?
Re: Best Kit in the league comp.

Who cares!!! leave the silly rag donkeys to do what they want in there sad debt ridden lives.
Trust me they are ALL seething with jealousy over our club and its bank bursting balance. I laugh in the face of any rag coz i know we are going to be the best. They are all shitting it, let them vote for blackburn, while we all laugh at there pathetic attempt at a protest by wearing Norwich scarves!!!!

I mean this has got to be the weakest silly protest ive ever seen. Agent glazers are laughing all the way to the bank. How many rags have you seen protesting outside? not 1, they wear a silly scarfs wow that must really put the shits up the glazers. Take a look at how we do a protest lol, we've done enough in the past. But to think they are going to push the glazers out by wearing scarfs is utterly ridiculous i piss myself when i see morgue trafford on TV and these silly bandwaggon donkeys wearing delia scarfs.

Thick rag donkey cnuts!!!!

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