We seem to have touched a nerve.

frankisskint said:
Ticket For Schalke - Location: If I Hadn't Seen Such Rich's I Could Live With Being Poor

James - one of my all time fav bands! Off topic but hey no-ones looking :)

Agreed, classic band... though it's riches, not rich's... rich's would be an object belonging to a guy named richard - e.g:

Have you seen rich's new car?
has any one bothered to work out the cost of the rags starting 11 + subs, and our 11 + subs?
who's cost more?
Blue bob said:
has any one bothered to work out the cost of the rags starting 11 + subs, and our 11 + subs?
who's cost more?

I did it this year after a few mates were whinging about us "spending so much money and your still shit" after the first derby game.......after pointing out how many players were on the pitch from the academy i then informed them of what they had spent the last few seasons in total. it was over 300 mil from memory??? think i got it of wiki. typed in rags in google lol
I'm quite pleased that Bacon Face feels he has to address whats going on at gods own club, until recently the only comments we got were those that a club get when they pose no threat apart from the odd result.

The problem he has now the gap is closing between the two clubs at an alarming rate and he can't compete financially. Currenlty he can play the CL league, trophies card to the so called big players, but for how long !

This year he has a weaker team/squad and the liklihoiod is that Liverpool & Chelski will be putting on the pressure at the top, Arsenal won't be far off and there is a possibility that we will be there or there abouts dependant on arrivals and the team playing as a team and he doesn't like or is used to it ! Normally he only has to one or two to play mind games with but now there more and at his age he probably can't cope or remember what he's said to who.

Personally I love it and can't wait for the big kick off at ewood park !
Good on Hughes telling it like it is. Taggart has slowly become aware of the threat
we are becoming and his whisky soaked brain is struggling to come to terms with it.
I expect loads of mind games from him this season.
des hardi said:
funny a few years back(16yrs) an older friend who supports burnley said they ll someday be up in the top flight english football-my reply was yeah when that happens city will win the league!

Like it fingers crossed ha ha

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