Wearing your City top in public

Don’t usually wear City shirts apart from when going to the game. Walked the 2 miles to the tram stop yesterday there and back and no issues. I’ve had “115” comments about us when I am wearing something like a City t-shirt, hoodie or cap but I usually just respond with “I don’t give a shit, mate” and they don’t go any further.

I don't tend to wear a top other than to the games either, but like a poster upstream posted if someone I don't know comments they would get short shrift.
I've always vewed replica kits as something for kids, I loved my sky blue shirt when I was a lad and being Colin Bell at the local park but I've never had one as a grown-up nor do I want one. I don't know how they got started for adults but they're an absolute gold mine for clubs especally as they also have multiple home/away/ cup etc, strips. And of course they change them every year, and absolute masterpiece of marketing! I have a couple of polo shirts with small City logos but I just like them as polo shirts.
They’re a gold mine for DH Gate
I only put one on to nip to the shops etc.
I put on here a few weeks ago about some bell saying something.
He soon shut up.
I think I wear it hoping someone says something
Last year in gambia some bellend spurs fans said something.
I just replied with champions of Europe pal.
He said yeah but you can't beat spurs.

No mate but we still won the treble now fuck off
Never in Merseyside for obvious reasons. I’m not bothered about what anyone thinks but I don’t want the hassle it’ll bring. Especially now.

I occasionally see City colours around here though.
I wear one when I’m playing five a side with a mix of Blues, rags, dippers and even a Gillingham fan, but I’m too old to go out and about in any football shirt these days.

I’m happy to wear more subtle sports branded attire, whether that’s City, England Rugby or cricket polos. Even though I have an athletic physique I still think I’d look a bit of a nob in a replica shirt unless at the game.

No-one should apologise for wearing our colours though, just say we’re champions.

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