Weird smells you love

Now I’m older I love the smell of a baby’s head, especially after they’ve just had a bath. It’s that talc and soap mix and they just smell wonderful.

This. Forget all the stupid stuff I said previously. Nothing like a baby's head.
Fresh Marlboro Reds or Old College Basketball Courts on Friday or Saturday nights. There is something about those old mythical collegiate gyms. You can smell the chalk, the people, the popcorn, the sweat and dust of the old sports heroes who played there. The new super arenas don't really do the same experience justice. See the film Hoosiers if you want a visual/aural encapsulation of what I am talking about.
Petrol! Love it so much I only ever put £20 in the car, so I can make more trips to the petrol station

Also, Radox do a bubble bath that I think just smells like it. The Mrs says it smells nothing like it

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