Wenger's at it again!

Didsbury Dave said:
What on earth do you expect him to say? To concede the title when they are one point behind us? He's just telling the media what he's telling the players: keep going, they aren't invincible, they have lost some games.
Big deal. Some of our fans are saying exactly the same.
but we say it out of love
George Hannah said:
Didsbury Dave said:
What on earth do you expect him to say? To concede the title when they are one point behind us? He's just telling the media what he's telling the players: keep going, they aren't invincible, they have lost some games.
Big deal. Some of our fans are saying exactly the same.
but we say it out of love
And with a smile.
Let him stew in his own sauce. You just know that once these managers start coming out with this "we're gonna do this, we're gonna do that" nonsense; they've already lost the battle.
He's just pissed off that his well oiled team have dropped an eight point lead. :-)
He really said nothing wrong if you just look at his quotes and ignore the article.

‘They are the team of the moment so everybody is drawing definite conclusions,’ said Wenger. ‘I don’t deny their strength, quality and the exceptional players they have. But let’s not forget they have lost four away games.’

‘Yes, they are the favourites,’ he said. ‘But they have more difficult fixtures. We know we can do very well away but, since December, I’ve said to the players that the Emirates will decide our season.’

‘It’s an even bigger scalp for us. I think we can do it. If we can get over this period and the injured players come back fresh, it will be a big boost for the rest of the season.’

Not much there.
'spending power' blah blah

does this aresnil nobhead not know that russias richest man is their major shareholder

or that they spent more than the rags on transfers last season

bitter hypocritical coonts

Ozil £40 million

Like the fucking Corinthians they are honest
I want all managers to slag us off. The more the better as far as I am concerned. It must really lift the players giving them even more incentive to go out & stuff anyone. Plus the fans should get worked up & make a great atmosphere. Lets start tomorrow & raise the roof. Make the lads want it more than ever. Wenger is a prick what ever he says or does'nt say. But I F_ckin hate Mourinho the gob shite.
franksinatra said:
To be honest he has said nothing criticial but tried to view the situation positively for his team and has noted the exceptional ability of our players.

What do you want him to say? Arsenal should give up or try to motivate his own players by highlighting a chink in the City armour?

People are too precious. Complete non-story

Completely agree with that. How can you take offence at a manager talking up his teams chances and at the same time using some facts to support it.

Some sensitive souls out there.
"But let’s not forget they have lost four away games."

Let's also not forget we're 20 games unbeaten, with 18 wins.

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