Were you there at these big games in the last 15 years?

gordondaviesmoustache said:
All everyone seems to talk about is York away, i went to every game home and away aged 7 in the 98/99 season and have to say, going straight from school on a tuesday night to watch us get beat 2-1 by Lincoln was a far worse experience for me!!! :/

I agree that Lincoln away was the lowpoint.

Because I was there.

Me too. Got arrested. d+d. Got home at 11-45am the next day.

Also, Mansfield in auto windows. Att 3007. I was there with my lad who was 3 at the time.
for most of those games I was at the swamp cheering on my beloved reds until about 2008 when I started supporting citeh and watching on my computer or down the pub. CTID.
Kenney_The_Blue said:
Gillingham - wembley - 99 - yes
Southampton - Maine road - 03 - yes
Blackburn - ewood park (Kennedy goal) - no
Last derby Maine road - 3-1 - yes
Semi final FA cup against united - yes
Final stoke - yes
United - 1-6 - no :(
United (this year)1-0 - yes
QPR this year - of course

First derby at eastlands - yes
York away - no
Spurs FA Cup 4-3 comeback - no
Wigan - Play-Off Semi Final - no

I know i've missed a few out and it's not a competition, just a bit of fun really.

Just a yes or no to each of the above games :)

edit** if people suggest big games that should be on here i'll add them onto the list.

Yes to all but I am ashamed to admit I didn't go to York away...does that mean I have failed????
All except spurs 4-3

Wycombe Lincoln Grimsby York Gilligham etc etc too ! Boy did we suffer at times!,,

Plus Halifax and Shrewsbury
kippaxkid74 said:
From the list on page 1 these are my answers :)

Gillingham - wembley - 99 - yes
Southampton - Maine road - 03 - yes
Blackburn - ewood park (Kennedy goal) - no
Last derby Maine road - 3-1 - yes
Semi final FA cup against united - yes
Final stoke - yes
United - 1-6 - no :(
United (this year)1-0 - yes
QPR this year - yes

First derby at eastlands - yes
York away - no
Spurs FA Cup 4-3 comeback -no
Wigan - Play-Off Semi Final - yes
United Com Shield - yes

My answers are exactly the same as yours KK74!..with the exception of the 1-6 which i managed to get to.

Funnily enough, my biggest regret at missing a city game was another 1-6...i decided, in my wisdom, that i couldn,t be arsed to travel to Burnley one sunday a couple of years ago...still annoyed to this day at missing out on the fun!
Kenney_The_Blue said:
Gillingham - wembley - 99 - yes
Southampton - Maine road - 03 - yes
Blackburn - ewood park (Kennedy goal) - no
Last derby Maine road - 3-1 - yes
Semi final FA cup against united - yes
Final stoke - yes
United - 1-6 - no :(
United (this year)1-0 - yes
QPR this year - of course

First derby at eastlands - yes
York away - no
Spurs FA Cup 4-3 comeback - no
Wigan - Play-Off Semi Final - no

I know i've missed a few out and it's not a competition, just a bit of fun really.

Just a yes or no to each of the above games :)

edit** if people suggest big games that should be on here i'll add them onto the list.

YES to all of them including the added ones
All everyone seems to talk about is York away, i went to every game home and away aged 7 in the 98/99 season and have to say, going straight from school on a tuesday night to watch us get beat 2-1 by Lincoln was a far worse experience for me!!! :/

Lincoln away was bad - the way we went I also remember getting delayed for about 45 mins for a toll booth somewhere on the way, all for 20p - told the bloke collecting the money we would burn his hut down on the way back (but in the end we just went a different way) - the highlight was half time nearly getting moonchester's head off to name and shame the fucker
What about the 2-1 at the swamp were that guy from Zimbabwe scored on derby day?

... Was on ESPN classic the other day.

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