Haha what a place. Went in 2007, my girlfriend at the time won a holiday there at work and decided to take me and her parents along. There was me thinking it was going to be 10 days of chilling around the villa pool doing fuck all but her Dad hired a car and decided he wanted to see the entirety of Southern Spain in little over a week. Proper Rag fucker did nowt bit bang on about how shit City were. By day 2 I'd found the resort cocaine dealer and was drinking 2 litre milk cartons full of local firewater. By day 5 nobody was talking to me, my girlfriend had dragged us to Mercia Zoo in 100 degree weather and being full of coke and wine collapsed at the birds of prey show and got took to hospital. By day 7 I was off my face at the Abba tribute night getting sucked off on the cricket pitch by some rich 50 year old woman with my relationship in absolute tatters. It was brilliant.
We got back. I packed my stuff and left. Thanks for the free holiday. For what it's worth I thought it was a great place. Nice little private beach down the cliff. Local drugs were great and the town over is like something out of a 60s Western with 50c beers.