What a Day

city diehard

Well-Known Member
24 Dec 2008
Forza Mancini \/ \/ Forza Mancini
Well up for today's game as well as everyone else was; but wasn't expecting what was going to happen. Get the train at 08:30 from my hometown to B'ham Moor Street arrive at 09:15 all going well thus far then me and my brother have to get megabus at 10:15 so arrive with plenty of time at 10:00 only to find out that the bus is delayed by half hour; it turn up 45 mins later so we're thinkin' we'll have to get cab and miss first 10 minutes of the game. So we get going and about junc. 11 of M6 there has been an accident and a car is overturned we waited 45 mins having gone 500 metres by this time the game has already kicked off and there's 60 miles left and we're thinking shite but we should be able to catch the second half.

We arrive at 1:50 at Shudehill Exchange! The second half has already kicked off and we don't even know the score; lucky a cab was on the main road and we then proceeded to the ground and we asked him for the score and he said he didn't have a fcukin radio. So we get to the ground just before 2:00, cab cost fcukin £6 as well. We then ragged it round to the east stand 104, asked the security guard on the entrance "what's the score mate?" he said he didn't know! (how can you not know?) we then get to our block and find out it's fcukin 0-0 we thinkin' this day could not get any shitter! We sit down and find two spare seats in the block at about 66th min. Start to take in the atmosphere and then Balo the beauty smashes one in; absolute ecstasy whilst doin' the poznan and to finish it off jimmy makes it two.

The bad luck and sh*t we've had all day and as soon as we take our sit at COMS we net two; fate? I don't know but I just love you CITY! Got back at home at 7ish having only spent just under an hour and half in Manchester but it was well worth it.

*Sorry for long post.

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