What actually is a football club?

The club being the fans is a romantic notion that was shown to have no support with the game's administrators when they allowed Wimbledon to move to Milton Keynes.
AFCW may have been formed as a local phoenix club, but the EFL place and the players all made the trip north.
We are fortunate football franchising isn't part of English football culture, and that is unlikely to change as there are no significant conurbations without PL/EFL teams. Though I'd be happy if the rags built their new ground in London to get the tourist dollars.
I meant that it SHOULD be the legacy fans.

As you say, it’s a romantic notion. We are so far down the food chain it’s ridiculous.
The club would fold all right, but that doesn’t actually mean the fans are the club

FC United is an example of where the fans were the heart but on the flip side Wimbledon fucked off to MK so I’m sort of split.

I’d say we exist for each other. It’s emotion over logic. A convenience marriage. Hard to describe why we do it. If we went bust tomorrow and came back in some other form (like others have done) I’d still be there. So would plenty of us. CTID init.
i just asked google what is a football club?

wikipedia says...
In association football, a football club (or association football club, alternatively soccer club) is a sports club that acts as an entity through which association football teams organise their sporting activities.

chambers dictionary says...
entity noun
1 something that has a physical existence, as opposed to a quality or mood.
2 the essential nature of something.
3 philos the fact or quality of existing.
ETYMOLOGY: 16c: from Latin entitas, from ens thing that exists
We had this convo not long ago. Funny one isnt it, grounds change, managers change, players change, badges change!!!

But one thing that doesnt change is the supporters and the name. Supporting a club is passed down through generations, from fathers to sons etc.

So i think ‘a football club’ is exactly that. The supporters are the beating heart and without them the club is nothing.

Its the name, MANCHESTER CITY, and the supporters that is the only constant, everything else comes and goes
The owners are the mere custodians as they come and go. We’ve had many since I was born in 1980 and many, many before. There are Blues who’ve been going longer than I’ve been alive.

The club is the community of the support base. The fans.
Respect your opinion mate but... and here's where we differ. I don't believe that football will expand IMO it's dying it's becoming a soulless entity and people are going to start to see it.

If it doesn't pull its finger out of its arse it's going the same way as the gladiators went, somewhere in ancient history there was a bloke/woman who turned to their mate and said "that's not very nice" and the rest is history.
Gladiators disappeared because Bay Watch was on the other channel.

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